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Review Quiz 3
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The following is a review quiz for objectives 8-3 and 8-4.

Which of the following is the best description of The Square of Opposition?
A)A diagram which illustrates how to differentiate between claims with different truth values.
B)A diagram which represents the logical relationships between corresponding categorical claims.
Which of the following is true of contrary claims?
A)They always have opposite truth values.
B)They can both be false but they can't both be true.
C)They can both be true and false.
D)They can both be true but they can't both be false.
Which of the following is true of subcontrary claims?
A)They can both be false but they can't both be true.
B)They can both be true and false.
C)They always have opposite truth values.
D)They can both be true but they can't both be false.
Which of the following is true of contradictory claims?
A)They can both be false but they can't both be true.
B)They can both be true and false.
C)They can both be true but they can't both be false.
D)They always have opposite truth values.
Which of the following is the best description of how to perform the operation of Conversion.
A)Switch the position of the subject term and the predicate term.
B)Switch the position of the subject and predicate terms and then replace both terms with their compliments.
C)Change the claim from affirmative to negative (or from negative to affirmative) and then replace the predicate term with its complement.

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