Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint Updated, 5/e
Mavis E. Hetherington,
University of Virginia Ross D. Parke,
University of CA at Riverside
ISBN: 0072820144 Copyright year: 2003
What's New
New "Turning Points" tables summarize chronological achievements.
New! PowerWeb is a unique online tool that provides students with current articles, curriculum-based materials, weekly updates with assessment, informative and timely world news, refereed Web links, research tools, student study tools and interactive exercises. Access card is packaged for free with each copy of the text.
Three new Thematic Boxes: 1) Applications, 2) Diversity in Perspective, 3) Risk and Resilience.
Completely revised chapters on cognitive development reorganize and strengthen the presentation of Piaget, Vygotsky, and information processing.
The book will have a full-color design, larger trim.
A margin glossary has been added.
Topically organized around types of development, including topics such as cognition, intelligence, language, genetics, gender, and moral development.
Multiple Theoretical Viewpoints are included, including increased coverage of sociocultural perspective and dynamic systems theory.
Authors are world-renowned scholars and their awareness of the latest research is reflected in the text.
A chapter on developmental psychopathology covers maladaptive behavior in children; most textbooks do not devote a chapter to this topic.
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