Discuss the various roles that schools play in the development of children.
Describe how school size and organization affect achievement, participation, and self-concept.
Summarize research findings on the effects of classroom spatial arrangements and organization on students.
Explain the effects of teacher expectations, as well as the teacher's use of operant conditioning on classroom behavior.
Describe the benefits of techniques such as cooperative learning and peer teaching.
Cite recent research identifying problems with primary readers. Identify aspects of whole language and literature-based approaches.
Discuss the ways in which computers are being used in the classroom, including possible benefits and problems with their use.
Discuss factors that influence children's achievement motivation.
Discuss desegregation and its positive and negative outcomes.
Define mainstreaming and discuss problems related to educating children with special needs in school settings.
Describe changes in children's television viewing and other media use with age, and discuss both negative and positive effects of TV viewing, computers, and video games.
Identify the roles played by parents in modifying the effects of TV viewing on their children.
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