| Learning Objectives (See related pages)
- Define cognition. Describe Piaget and Vygotsky's models of cognitive development.
- Explain the distinction Piaget draws between cognitive structures and processes. Define "schemata" and "operations."
- Describe how schemata are modified throughout the lifetime, and the principles used to modify them (assimilation and accommodation).
- Describe the sensorimotor period and the concept of object permanence.
- Describe the preoperational period and the capabilities and limitations during the preconceptual and intuitive subperiods.
- Discuss the general limitations on preoperational thought.
- Discuss the child's capabilities and limitations during the concrete operational period.
- Describe the abilities that emerge during the formal operational period.
- Using research as evidence, cite the criticisms of Piaget's theory. List the contributions of Piaget's theory to developmental psychology.
- Discuss Vygotsky's concepts of elementary and higher mental functions.
- Discuss how the zone of proximal development relates to advances in development.
- Identify the role of culture in mathematics and language.