Diane E. Papalia Sally Wendkos Olds Ruth Duskin Feldman
ISBN: 0072820306 Copyright year: 2004
Feature Summary
A clear and personal, dynamic writing style appeals to students of all ages and backgrounds.
An even-handed treatment of all stages of the lifespan, including strong coverage of adult development and aging, results in a balanced textbook.
An innovative pedagogical learning system helps students build upon their knowledge as they move through each chapter, and helps test their mastery of the text content. Components include:
"Guideposts for Study": broad overview questions designed to help students begin the chapter thinking about specific ideas and issues. Guideposts are repeated throughout the chapter and in the Summary.
Checkpoints: appearing periodically within the text to help students check their mastery of the material, as well as review and analyze text content.
"What’s Your View?": questions that give students the opportunity to answer questions geared to help them personalize the important and relevant topics and issues in each chapter.
Key Terms: bolded within the text and defined in the margins.
Summary and Key Terms: at the end of every chapter.
The outstanding box program includes:
Cross-cultural vignettes in "Window on the World" boxes, giving insight into human development in other societies.
Real-life applications of research and theory (e.g., "How reliable is eyewitness testimony of children?"), in "Practically Speaking" boxes.
"Digging Deeper" boxes, taking a deeper look at important topics such as human cloning.
Part overviews introduce the period of life discussed in each part. The overviews include "Linkups to Look For" (bulleted lists that point to examples of the interaction of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of development) and part preview tables that highlight the main features of each period of development discussed in the chapters that follow.
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