Papalia et al Human Development Ninth Edition - videos by subject for Student CD-ROM
Adolescence Steinberg Clip #1 - Larry Steinberg, Temple University on conflict between parents and adolescents. (Chapter 12) | Steinberg Clip #2 - Larry Steinberg, Temple University on conflict between teachers and adolescents. (Chapter 12) | Brooks-Gunn Clip #1 - Jeanne Brooks-Gunn on studying teenage mothers. (Chapter 12) |
Attachment Sroufe Clip #2 - Alan Sroufe, University of Minnesota on attachment theory. (Chapter 6) | Sroufe Clip #3 - Alan Sroufe, University of Minnesota on support and resiliency. (Chapter 6) | Sroufe Clip #4 - Alan Sroufe, University of Minnesota on attachment and peers. (Chapters 6,10,14) |
Divorce Emery Clip #1 - Robert Emery, University of Virginia on weighing the effects of divorce on children. (Chapters 10,14) | Emery Clip #2 - Robert Emery, University of Virginia on what parents can do to foster a child's smooth adjustment to divorce. (Chapters 10,14) |
Intelligence, Memory, and the Brain Ceci Clip #1 - Steve Ceci, Cornell University on intelligence tests currently in use. (Chapters 5,9) | Ceci Clip #2 - Steve Ceci, Cornell University on the relationship between context and intelligence. (Chapters 5,9) | Ceci Clip #3 - Steve Ceci, Cornell University on children's memory. (Chapter 7) |
Media Calvert Clip #2 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on the impact of television violence. (Chapter 10) | Calvert Clip #3 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on how parents can help children become critical viewers. (Chapter 10) |
Parents Calvert Clip #1 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on working with parents and teachers on research studies. (Chapter 2) | Dunn Clip #2 - Judy Dunn on the influence parents have on the relationship between their children. (Chapters 6,10) | Calvert Clip #3 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on how parents can help children become critical viewers. (Chapter 10) | Emery Clip #2 - Robert Emery, University of Virginia on what parents can do to foster a child's smooth adjustment to divorce. (Chapters 10,14) | Steinberg Clip #1 - Larry Steinberg, Temple University on conflict between parents and adolescents. (Chapter 12) |
Siblings Dunn Clip #2 - Judy Dunn on the influence parents have on the relationship between their children. (Chapters 6,10) | Dunn Clip #3 - Judy Dunn on the age gap between siblings and its influence on sibling relationships. (Chapters 6,10) |
Peers Jonas Clip #1 - Al Jonas, University of Minnesota on ethical considerations he takes in studying infants. (Chapter 2) | Sroufe Clip #4 - Alan Sroufe, University of Minnesota on attachment and peers. (Chapters 6,10,14) |
Research Dunn Clip #1 - Judy Dunn on how to design a study of children. (Chapter 2) | Jonas Clip #1 - Al Jonas, University of Minnesota on ethical considerations he takes in studying infants. (Chapter 2) | Calvert Clip #1 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on working with parents and teachers on research studies. (Chapter 2) |
Teachers Calvert Clip #1 - Sandra Calvert, Georgetown University on working with parents and teachers on research studies. (Chapter 2) | Steinberg Clip #2 - Larry Steinberg, Temple University on conflict between teachers and adolescents. (Chapter 12) |