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Internet Marketing Research
Edward Forrest

Table of Contents

Preface  viii

Chapter 1
Marketing Research: Established Traditions and Emerging Trends  1

Marketing Research Defined  2
Types of Marketing Research  3
The Marketing Research Process  3

  1. Define the Research Question or Problem  3
  2. Create the Research Design or Master Plan  4
  3. Select the Research Method  4
  4. Select the Appropriate Sample  4
  5. Collect and Input the Data  5
  6. Interpret and Draw Conclusions about the Data  5
  7. Prepare a Report  5
  8. Follow Up the Research  5

Evolution of Marketing Research  5

Late 1800s to 1905: Application of Research to Marketing Problems  5
1905 to 1918: Organized Approaches to Market Information  6
1919 to 1930: Structuring the Marketing Research Discipline  6
1930 to 1950: Solidification and Refinement of Marketing Research  6
1950 to 1975: Restructuring and the Modern Era of Marketing Research  6
1975 to 1995: Computerization and Globalization  6
1995 to Present: The Emergence and Growing Impact of the Internet  6

Why the Internet Is Causing a Revolution in Market Research  8
Hurdles Faced in Internet Marketing Research  8

Information Overload  8
Sorting Out the Trash  9
Speed of the Internet  9
Hesitance to Divulge Information over the Internet  9
Lack of Access to the Internet  9

The Future of Marketing Research and the Internet  9

Emerging Functions of Marketing Research  9
Moving from Market Research to Market-Focused Learning  10

The Internet’s Marketing Research Applications  11

Personal Intelligence  11
Environmental Intelligence  11
Consumer Intelligence  12
Competitive Intelligence  12

Marketing Research on the Internet  12

Internet Surveys  13
Newsgroups  13
Online Focus Groups and Product and Copy Testing  13
Other Critical Concerns  13

Summary  14
Discussion Questions  14
Internet Project  15
Further Reading  15
References  16

Chapter 2
Internet Search and Research  17

Researching "Searching"  18

The Evolution of Search Engines—A Truncated History  18
Search Engines Today  18

Which Tool Is Best?  20

For a Scholarly Topic  20
For General Scholarly Information  21
For a Reasonably Simple Topic  22
For General Facts and Figures  23

Search Techniques  24

Boolean Operators  24
Word Stems and Wildcards  26
Stoplist  26
Consider the Spelling  26

Improving Your Search Skills  26
Outsourcing a Search  27
Summary  28
Discussion Questions  28
Internet Project  29
Further Reading  29
References  29

Chapter 3
Personal Intelligence  31

What Is Personal Intelligence?  31
Achieving Personal Intelligence: Finding, Downloading, Filtering, Displaying, and Managing Information  32

Finding Information  32
Exchanging Information  33
Filtering Information  35
Displaying Information  35
Managing Information  35
Bookmark Management  36
Personalizing and Customizing Browsers  37

Research Tools  38
Gathering News and Information  41

Portals  41
Personalized Retrieval Services  42
E-Zines  43
E-Business  43
E-Marketing  44

Marketing Research Information and Resources  45
Summary  48
Discussion Questions  49
Internet Project  49
Further Reading  49
References  49

Chapter 4
Environmental Intelligence  51

What Is Environmental Intelligence?  51
Defining Environmental Scanning  52
Environmental Scanning on the Internet  53
Macro-Environmental Websites  54

Integrated/Global Information Resource Websites  54
The Politico-Legal Environment  57
The Economic Environment  58
The Sociocultural Environment  61
The Technological Environment  65
The Physical Environment  67

Summary  68
Discussion Questions  69
Internet Project  69
Further Reading  69
References  69

Chapter 5
Consumer Intelligence  71

What Is Consumer Intelligence?  71
Consumer Intelligence and the Internet  72
Internet Resources Related to the Cornerstones of Consumer Research  72

Occupations—What Constitutes the Markets?  73
Objectives—Why Does the Market Buy?  79
Objects, Occasions, Outlets—What, When, and Where Does the Market Buy?  81

Online/Off-Line Consumer Media Attitudes and Use Patterns  85
Online Media Attitudes and Use Patterns  86
Summary  88
Discussion Questions  89
Internet Project  89
References  89

Chapter 6
Competitive Intelligence  91

What Is Competitive Intelligence?  92
The Practicalities of an Effective Competitive Intelligence System  92
The Impact of the Internet on Competitive Intelligence  94
Twelve Steps for Conducting Competitive Intelligence on the Internet  94

  1. Check Key Competitive Intelligence Research Sources  95
  2. Search for Company Information  96
  3. Search the Websites and Personal Pages of Competitors  98
  4. Search for Trade Associations and Conferences  99
  5. Peruse Job and Career Websites  99
  6. Survey Competitors’ Customers Online  100
  7. Utilize Comparative-Shopping Services  100
  8. Search Newsgroups and Read Mailing Lists  100
  9. Find News That Can Be Used  101
  10. Personalize Information Searches  102
  11. Outsource the Competitive Intelligence Function  102
  12. Start Your Search Engines  105

Professional and Educational Sources—Lifelong Learning about Competitive Intelligence  106
Join a Discussion Group  107
Summary  108
Discussion Questions  108
Internet Project  108
Further Reading  108
References  109

Chapter 7
Internet Surveys 111

Comparative Advantages of Internet Surveys  112

Design  112
Distribution  113
Completion  113
Return  115

Internet Survey Shortfalls  115

Demography of Users  116
Psychology of Users  116

Designing Internet Surveys  117

Aesthetic Considerations  117
Psychological Considerations  118

Sampling Methodologies for Internet Surveys  120
Internet Survey Distribution Options  121

E-Mail Surveys  123
On-Site Intercept Surveys  123
Newsgroups and Discussion/Mailing Lists  123

In-House or Outsource? Internet Survey Research Firms and Services  124

Online Directories of Internet Survey Research Firms and Services  125
Internet Survey Firm Selection Criteria  125

Do-It-Yourself Internet Surveys: Just Add Questions  126
Online Surveying Software and Support  127
Summary  131
Discussion Questions  131
Internet Project  132
Further Reading  132
References  132

Chapter 8
An Introduction to Internet Newsgroups  135

Introduction  135
Newsgroup Applications in Marketing Research  136
Organization of the Hierarchy of Newsgroups  137
The Big Ten  137
Other Major Hierarchies  138
Regional Categories  139
Finding the Right Newsgroup/s  139
Netiquette and Basic Guidelines for Using Newsgroups  139
Basic Netiquette  139
Maintain the Quality of Newsgroup Messages  141
Commercial Postings and Announcements  141
Copyright Issues  142
Signatures  142
Spamming  143
Posting Messages  143
Be Polite and Nonintrusive  143
Asking Questions in Newsgroups  143
Use Short Subject Topic Lines  144
Deleting Posted Messages  144
Cross-Pointing  144
New Postings and Follow-Ups  144
The Twenty-Four Rules on Writing Proper Articles in Newsgroups  144
Conducting Surveys in Newsgroups  146
Other Useful Websites and Links  146
Summary  148
Discussion Questions  148
Internet Project  148
Further Reading  148
References  148

Chapter 9
Applied Research Methods for Newsgroups and Discussion Groups  151

Introduction  151
Three Main Methods of Researching
Newsgroups  152
Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Research in Newsgroups and Discussion Groups  152

Step One: Read Introductory Postings  152
Step Two: Perform an Advanced Search for Relevant Newsgroups  152
Step Three: Read the FAQs  152
Step Four: Read Postings in Relevant Newsgroups  153
Step Five: E-Mail an Expert  153
Step Six: Do a Posting  153
Step Seven: Conduct a Survey  153
Step Eight: Create a New Newsgroup  153
Method A: Advanced Search Methods  153
Method B: Posting to a Newsgroup  154
Method C: Create a New Newsgroup  161

Summary  166
Internet Project  166
References  166

Chapter 10
Online Focus Groups  167

Focus Groups  167
Online Focus Groups  168

Advantages of Online Focus Groups  170
Disadvantages of Online Focus Groups  170
When Are Online Groups Appropriate?  172

Conducting an Online Focus Group  173
Participating in Online Focus Groups  174
Some Organizations That Conduct Focus Groups  176
Metadexes of Market Research Firms  178
Other Online Focus Group Resources  179
Summary  180
Discussion Questions  180
Internet Project  181
Further Reading  181
References  181

Chapter 11
Websites, Sources, and Data—Reliability and Validity  183

Information on the Internet  184

Who (Credibility/Authority)?  184
Where (Comparability/Connectivity/Copyright/Citation/Accuracy)?  185
What (Content/Objectivity)?  186
When (Continuity/Currency)?  187
Why (Context/Critical Thinking/Coverage)?  187

Websites about Websites  187
Meta-Information  188

Evaluative Meta-Information  188
Summary Meta-Information  190

Summary  190
Discussion Questions  191
Internet Project  191
Further Reading  191
References  191

Chapter 12
Ethical Concerns and Legalities  193

Introduction  194
Security  194
Consumer Protection  196

Other Websites Relevant to Consumer Fraud and Protection  197

Intellectual Property and Copyright Law  197
Trademarks  202
Defamation  204
Obscenity  205
Privacy  207
Summary  209
Discussion Questions  210
Internet Project  210
Further Reading  210
References  210

Glossary  212
Index  218
