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To determine if you remember some of the key concepts of the chapter, take the following self quiz and see how you do. Select the best answer. If you select an incorrect answer, you'll receive immediate informational feedback to assist you in remembering the correct answer.


A single-point audio feed for the press is usually accomplished using a multiple (mult) or breakout box, called a pool feed.

A dial-up digital phone line capable of transmitting 128 kilobits of studio-quality audio data and 16 kilobits of telephone-switching data is an Integrated Services Digital Network line.

A field monitor is a method used to send a monitor signal to the remote broadcast talent and to be able to talk to them in their earpiece or headphones.

GSM is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of satellites that enables pinpoint location identification.

A “circus” is something to attract people to an event or a location, a gimmick, or enticement.

A _______________ is an audio device that allows bi-directional communications on a single line or radio-frequency transmission.
B)duplex device

An analog electronic device used to interconnect broadcast equipment to a POTS line so that audio can be sent and received is called a
A)a phone hybrid.
B)a POTS codec.
C)a A/D converter.
D)a Marti.

The primary reason radio stations do remotes is
A)for the revenue remotes generates.
B)for the promotional value the station receives.
C)for the client to increase store traffic and retail sales.
D)All of the above are correct.

Prior to doing a remote with wireless microphones, it is
A)always best to make sure you have back-up batteries.
B)critical to do a site survey for frequency coordination purposes.
C)important to pack a regular microphone with a microphone cable as a back up.
D)All the above are correct.

When your radio station goes to a client’s business to do a remote and hangs banners, positions the station vehicle near the road, makes sure the staff members are in station attire and the station mascot is present, the promotions staff has
A)made sure the client is impressed with the event.
B)positioned the radio station.
C)ensured the remote will be a success.
D)branded the radio station.

Most radio news remotes
A)are carried out by a single news person.
B)consist of three-person teams with the news person supported by a field producer and a field engineer.
C)are done using a POTS line.
D)are planned in advance.

A “Marti” RPU is
A)a codec.
B)a phone hybrid.
C)a VHF or UHF transmitter.
D)a generic term of unknown origin applied to all remote equipment.

Vendor involvement in a remote broadcast
A)includes providing free product samples, if appropriate.
B)includes arranging a reduced price on a product.
C)includes an expert to demonstrate the product for the retailer's customers.
D)All the above are correct.

A hand-held satellite telephone
A)is capable of transmitting stereo using an ISDN codec.
B)can only be used in remote locations.
C)is extremely expensive to use due to the high per-minute call charges.
D)operates as either a regular cell phone or as a satellite phone when regular cell phone service is not available.

Which of the following would be the simplest to do a remote broadcast with?
A)A POTS phone hybrid.
B)A Marti RPU.
C)A cell phone.
D)A POTS codec.

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