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To determine if you remember some of the key concepts of the chapter, take the following self quiz and see how you do. Select the best answer. If you select an incorrect answer, you'll receive immediate informational feedback to assist you in remembering the correct answer.


The Internet represents a tremendous opportunity to expand a radio station's reach and provide a steady source of traditional advertising revenue.

Most of the businesses engaged in e-commerce are located far away from a local station's market.

Streaming is the term most often used to describe a radio station transmitting its radio signal on the Internet.

Like traditional on-air radio, for each new person that starts listening over the Internet the radio station has to pay for the listener's bandwidth.

The click-through rate is the percentage of those people who view a station's web page, as compared to the actual number that visit an advertiser's web site.

While the Internet may add a few listeners to the station, the reality is
A)these listeners are extremely valuable since they sought the station out on the Internet and are truly listening to the station.
B)these listeners can become very good customers of the local businesses advertising on the radio.
C)these listeners have little, if any, value.
D)they can become good web advertising prospects.

Today, _______________ of the radio stations report they depend on their web site as a source of non-traditional income.
A)over half
B)about 90 percent
C)less than 50 percent
D)about 35 percent

To establish a good audio stream on the Internet, it is necessary for the radio station to
A)use the audio signal from the radio station's on-air audio processor.
B)send the streaming codec a good clean audio signal.
C)send a compressed and equalized audio signal to the streaming server.
D)create a highly processed audio signal for the streaming codec.

Radio stations pay additional copyright fees to play music on the Internet known as
A)webcasting performance rights fees.
B)digital copyright performance fees.
C)digital copyright act of 1996 fees.
D)sound-recording rights fees.

Which of the following is a valid downside to the Internet from a local advertiser's viewpoint?
A)Viewers may be using ad-blocking software.
B)There is little or no exclusivity to the medium.
C)Because of their diverse locations, many web site viewers cannot actually become paying customers.
D)All the above are correct.

Which of the following is presently the most popular way for advertisers to pay for Internet advertising?
A)According to the number of page views (PV) the site gets per day, week, and month.
B)According to the number of click-throughs.
C)According to the number of hits the site gets per day, week, and month.
D)None of the above is correct.

Which one of the following would be classified as a "broadband" Internet connection?
A)a connection speed of 1.544 Mbps (megabits per second).
B)a connection speed of 200 Kbps (kilobits per second).
C)a typical DSL connection.
D)All the above are correct.

Which one of the following is a performance-rights organization that represents songwriters and musicians?

Which of the following copyrights would a radio station have to pay to play popular music on the air?
A)sound-recording rights
B)DMCA of 1998 rights
C)performance rights
D)mechanical reproduction rights

The Internet's ability to present traditional media in a nontraditional way
A)constitutes media convergence.
B)is one of the reasons that radio should not embrace the Internet.
C)is one of the reasons that radio, as a local media, and the Internet, as a global media, do not work well together.
D)is the primary reason the Internet is such a big threat to broadcast radio.

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