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Internet Exercises
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Here is a research project for you. Using the web, find out what it would cost you to set up your own production facility in your dorm room. You will need the following:

A copy of Adobe Audition

A computer, desktop or laptop with a CD burner

A professional sound card or outboard input/output audio interface

A microphone in the $300 to $500 range with mic stand and cable

A pair of near field monitors

A pair of headphones

You do not need a CD player because you can rip your music into the computer using the drive on the computer. How much less than $3,000 can you do this project for? (Yes, it is possible.)

Web sites you may want to check out include:

B & H Photo at

Broadcaster's General Store at

Sweetwater at

Gateway Computers at

Dell Computers at

Digital Radio ProductionOnline Learning Center

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