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Web Activities
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Search online to locate the state social studies curriculum framework for a state in which you may be teaching. Examine how the framework is organized. Are the NCSS scope and sequence recommendations represented throughout the state's curriculum framework? If not, how do they differ? Consider examining a few of the following states and their social studies curriculum websites:



While completing your clinical experience or student teaching, interview 2-3 teachers at different grade levels. Ask them questions about social studies education. Your questions might include "What qualities does a good citizen possess?" or "What types of topics or themes should be covered in the elementary school curriculum?" Limit your questions to 5 or 6. Prepare a presentation discussing the results of your interviews.


Referring to websites suggested in your textbook, search online for posted social studies lesson plans for a grade level of your choice. Compare the lesson plan to the Lewis and Clark interdisciplinary unit in chapter one to determine if the NCSS standards are included. Expand the lesson plan so that the NCSS standards are included.


Elementary and Middle School Online Learning Center

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