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Multiple Choice
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The goals of multicultural and bilingual education include all of the following EXCEPT
A)to develop the ability to interact successfully with people from diverse backgrounds.
B)to foster positive attitudes toward different peoples.
C)to learn about the various peoples who constitute the United States.
D)to learn the language and customs of the ELL peers.
The major objective of the multicultural unit of study presented in Chapter 4 is
A)to develop greater multiethnic awareness.
B)to develop perspective and empathy.
C)to learn about customs and cultures of diverse people.
D)to mesh cognitive outcomes with affective objectives.
The activities and questioning strategies of Phase Two of the multicultural unit are designed to develop a progression of viewpoint from
A)ethnic to cultural.
B)inside to outside.
C)outside to inside.
D)racial to empathetic.
The first Asian and Pacific Americans came
A)from China during the Gold Rush years of the 1840s.
B)from China following the Boxer Rebellion in the 1850s.
C)from Japan during the 1860s.
D)from Korea during the famine in the 1830s.
According to the author's personal observations, the driving force behind the Mexican American culture is
A)a belief in the spirit world.
B)creativity and the arts.
C)the family.
D)the quest for riches.
The major controversy in bilingual education is related to
A)the amount of time ELLs remain in bilingual programs.
B)federal funding for bilingual programs.
C)the placement of ELLs.
D)the preparation of general education teachers.
Strategies that simultaneously promote language and content learning include all of the following EXCEPT
A)cooperative learning groups.
B)journal writing.
C)preteaching vocabulary.
D)regular communication with parents.
The inclusion of computer technology in the bilingual classroom
A)allows students access to higher-level learning experiences.
B)allows the teacher to meet state and district standards.
C)decreases discipline problems.
D)motivates many students.
ELLs in middle and high school may experience more academic difficulty than younger students because
A)greater background knowledge is assumed.
B)self-image becomes stronger with age.
C)there is more precise language in content area textbooks.
D)All of the above.
Manipulatives include
B)role plays.
C)video games.
D)Web quests.
Alternative ways in which content information can be made more accessible to ELLs include all of the following EXCEPT
A)graphic organizers.
B)literature at varying reading levels.
D)social studies textbook.
Using methods that provide access to the social studies curriculum for ELLs promotes
A)an inclusive classroom with universal development.
B)integrated instruction to benefit all.
C)multicultural awareness and perspectives.
D)All of the above.

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