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History is defined by all of the following EXCEPT
A)a chronological study of what happened to humanity in the past.
B)a reasoned reconstruction of the past.
C)the study of all recorded events.
D)the quest for an understanding of the human condition throughout the ages.
Students need to develop an understanding that
A)historians tell the true story of a given event or a person.
B)history is the unbiased accounting of past events.
C)there are multiple truths about any given event or person.
D)the textbook is the unquestionable authority on history.
Students reading accounts of the assassination of President Kennedy by those who learned of it from radio and television broadcasts are studying
A)eyewitness versions of events.
B)primary witness sources.
C)secondary witness sources.
D)unbiased versions of events.
Students who are visiting a house near their school that was used as a station on the Underground Railroad are participating in
A)conducting oral histories.
B)dealing with primary source documents.
C)exploring local history.
D)working through a jackdaw kit.
All of the following are advantages of WebQuests EXCEPT
A)students spend time in undirected Internet research.
B)students with special needs can improve self-efficacy.
C)teachers can easily create their own WebQuests.
D)there are many prepared WebQuests available.
Which of the following teachers is using historical artifacts?
A)Teacher A is having her first grade students construct tricorn hats from construction paper.
B)Teacher B is having his students examine a reproduction of the Chicago Tribune for December 7, 1941.
C)Teacher C is having her students experiment with several kitchen utensils from her great-grandmother's kitchen.
D)Teacher D is having his students build replicas of Christopher Columbus' ships.
Time and place are considered
A)the components of historical context.
B)the primary influences on the development of culture.
C)the fundamental factors in any historical analysis.
D)All of the above.
Young children who do not yet have a well-developed sense of time will be helped by
A)a focus on the what as opposed to the when of history.
B)flashcards with illustrations and dates of important historical events.
C)timelines that clearly place each major historical event in sequence.
D)All of the above.
Internet technology can do all of the following EXCEPT
A)it can itself be the subject of historical study.
B)it can not be used with young children without teacher guidance.
C)it can not be readily incorporated into history lessons for young children.
D)it can serve as a motivator and an additional resource.
As an alternative to reading book-length biographies, students can learn about the lives of historical figures and the conditions under which they lived through
A)films and videos.
B)historical fiction.
C)on-line research.
D)All of the above.
Books with engaging stories that present accurate facts as well as quality descriptions of life during the time portrayed
A)are difficult to find for the elementary reader.
B)are often inaccessible to learners with special needs.
C)can bring history to life for children of all ages.
D)can not be easily incorporated into social studies instruction.
Teaching students how to better comprehend nonfiction information texts can be accomplished through
A)directly telling students how to garner information from texts.
B)inviting authors of such text to speak to the class.
C)modeling and questioning strategies.
D)requiring students to both read and write informational texts.

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