William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
ISBN: 0072823399 Copyright year: 2006
About this Book
Three themes are woven through every chapter in the book: scientific thinking, active learning, and sustainability.
Available to instructors adopting the third edition, a new Digital Content Manger CD-ROM will help you easily incorporate text-specific art, photos, tables, and animations into lecture presentations, websites, and printed classroom materials.
Chapters also include boxes entitled
What can you do? (lists of actions students can take to help solve environmental problems ) and Case studies (short illustrative examples that help understand issues).
Central questions that underlie the entire text are "how would a scientist think about this problem?" And "how can we make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty?"
Applications boxes--short exercises in calculation, graphing, experimental design, analytical thinking or other ways of handling data or applying important concepts--stress the "science" of environmental science.
Instructor's can customize this text using our do-it-yourself website! The Primis Content Center features more than one million items, including this and hundreds of other best-selling McGraw-Hill textbooks, laboratories, case studies, and readings These materials, along with others including your own notes, can be customized into a black and white, high resolution printed textbook or a full-color Primis eBook that saves your students 1/3 off bookstore prices. Log on to our website, register, and create your own complimentary copy.
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