1 |  |  W.E.B. Du Bois is best known in sociology for: |
|  | A) | his theoretical contributions on race in The Souls of Black Folk. |
|  | B) | his empirical contributions on race in The Philadelphia Negro. |
|  | C) | his economic analysis of race in The Souls of Black Folk. |
|  | D) | his leadership in the NAACP during the Civil Rights Era. |
2 |  |  Du Bois's social theory is most compatible with which of the following theoretical perspectives? |
|  | A) | Feminism |
|  | B) | Functionalism |
|  | C) | Marxism |
|  | D) | Positivism |
3 |  |  Social theorists who support standpoint theory do so because they: |
|  | A) | believe in the objective nature of social scientific research. |
|  | B) | feel that the views of minorities are over-represented in the social sciences. |
|  | C) | accept general theories of the social world. |
|  | D) | are critical of the value-free perspective in the social sciences. |
4 |  |  Which of the following is NOT something that Du Bois did during his lifetime? |
|  | A) | become a citizen of Ghana |
|  | B) | become President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) |
|  | C) | visit the Soviet Union |
|  | D) | attend Harvard University |
5 |  |  In The Philadelphia Negro, Du Bois refuses to attribute the high crime rates among Negroes to: |
|  | A) | innate violent tendencies. |
|  | B) | the heritage of slavery. |
|  | C) | charity. |
|  | D) | competition for jobs. |
6 |  |  Which of the following characterizes Du Bois's position on intermarriage? |
|  | A) | He did not think blacks and whites should intermarry. |
|  | B) | He did not think that race should be a factor in marriage. |
|  | C) | He thought the government should promote intermarriage as a means toward social progress. |
|  | D) | He believed that class, not race, should define the concept of intermarriage. |
7 |  |  In The Philadelphia Negro, Du Bois differentiates between four types of social class among Negroes. To which of the following classes would a respectable working-class black person with a steady-paying job belong? |
|  | A) | Grade 1 |
|  | B) | Grade 2 |
|  | C) | Grade 3 |
|  | D) | Grade 4 |
8 |  |  How does Du Bois conclude his book The Philadelphia Negro? |
|  | A) | with a rallying cry to black Americans to revolt against a racist society |
|  | B) | with a plea to the black working class to move to the suburbs |
|  | C) | with talk of the need for whites to be polite and generous to blacks |
|  | D) | with little hope for the progress of blacks in American society |
9 |  |  Du Bois referred to the potential leaders of the Negro community as the: |
|  | A) | "Talented Tenth." |
|  | B) | "Benevolent Despots." |
|  | C) | "Guiding Tenth." |
|  | D) | "Talented Hundredth." |
10 |  |  Du Bois's has been criticized as being a(n) _______ for his belief in "The Talented Tenth." |
|  | A) | Marxist |
|  | B) | elitist |
|  | C) | positivist |
|  | D) | capitalist |
11 |  |  According to Du Bois, the mission of the group of black leaders called the "Guiding Hundredth" was to: |
|  | A) | establish all-black colleges in the South. |
|  | B) | mobilize black voters in the South. |
|  | C) | plan an economic revolution in industry. |
|  | D) | train black workers in industry. |
12 |  |  Du Bois believed that the goal of American Negroes was to: |
|  | A) | become fully integrated with white Americans. |
|  | B) | realize their class consciousness. |
|  | C) | learn to accept the materialistic pursuits of white Americans. |
|  | D) | infuse America with their cultural heritage. |
13 |  |  According to Du Bois, the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of: |
|  | A) | "the colour line." |
|  | B) | segregation. |
|  | C) | capitalism. |
|  | D) | communism. |
14 |  |  With which of the following statements would Du Bois disagree? |
|  | A) | Segregation based on the ideology of "separate but equal" is harmful to blacks. |
|  | B) | Race is defined in part by common history and traditions. |
|  | C) | There is no such thing as a "pure" race. |
|  | D) | African Americans are both inside and outside of the dominant white society. |
15 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Du Bois's concept of the Veil? |
|  | A) | It is something that is opaque and impossible to lift. |
|  | B) | It is something that blacks are born with. |
|  | C) | It is something that negatively affects both blacks and whites. |
|  | D) | It is something that shuts blacks off from the rest of the world. |
16 |  |  Which of the following terms does Du Bois use to describe the feeling that a black person has of "always looking at one's self through the eyes of others"? |
|  | A) | double consciousness |
|  | B) | the color line |
|  | C) | the Veil |
|  | D) | alienation |
17 |  |  Why was Du Bois critical of Booker T. Washington? |
|  | A) | Washington advocated Marxism. |
|  | B) | Washington privileged the creation of an elite black upper class over the formation of a strong black working class. |
|  | C) | Washington focused on the economic success of blacks in industry at the expense of the moral success of blacks in leadership positions. |
|  | D) | Washington concentrated too much on building institutes of higher education for blacks. |
18 |  |  Which of the following describes Du Bois's philosophy regarding social change in the early years of his career? |
|  | A) | Du Bois was a Marxist and advocated revolution as the means to realize social change. |
|  | B) | Du Bois was a reformist and believed that peace and progress would lead to social change. |
|  | C) | Du Bois was an African nationalist and urged all blacks to move to Africa if they wanted to realize social change. |
|  | D) | Du Bois was a benevolent despot and believed that capitalism was the means by which to promote social change. |
19 |  |  Later in his career Du Bois believed that the only way for blacks to become integrated into American society was if: |
|  | A) | the capitalist economy was overthrown and replaced with communism. |
|  | B) | the black working class unionized to improve wages and working conditions. |
|  | C) | white capitalists became benevolent despots. |
|  | D) | the federal government instituted affirmative actions programs at universities. |
20 |  |  In Black Reconstruction in America: 1860-1880, Du Bois argues that _______ was the main factor that undermined Reconstruction. |
|  | A) | socialism |
|  | B) | segregation |
|  | C) | racism |
|  | D) | capitalism |
21 |  |  Du Bois's ideas have had a greater scholarly impact today than they did during his lifetime. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
22 |  |  When Du Bois wrote The Philadelphia Negro, he believed that science should be guided by the emotional attachments of researchers. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
23 |  |  The Philadelphia Negro is best known for advancing a sociological theory on race relations in the United States. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
24 |  |  Du Bois has been criticized for failing to recognize the ways in which blacks contribute to their own economic difficulties. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
25 |  |  In The Philadelphia Negro, Du Bois argued that benevolent white capitalists could help blacks become integrated into society by providing them with job training. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
26 |  |  Du Bois was not opposed to segregation per se, but to segregation accompanied by discrimination. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
27 |  |  Du Bois argued that "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of class struggle." |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
28 |  |  Du Bois criticized white America for its overarching materialism, and he believed that if blacks were integrated into American society, they could ameliorate this obsession with money. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
29 |  |  Early in his career Du Bois advocated Marxism, particularly the overthrow of the capitalist economy, as the only way for blacks to advance in American society. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
30 |  |  After visiting the Soviet Union, Du Bois declared that he was a Bolshevik. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |