Karl Mannheim |  |
Web Links
Karl Mannheim Bio | | This site provides a brief biographical sketch of Mannheim and his work. (
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Karl Mannheim | | This site offers a summary of the key ideas discussed by Mannheim in his work Ideology and Utopia. (
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Karl Mannheim | | This is a comprehensive overview of Mannheim's Ideology and Utopia. It includes key concepts and passages, as well as a brief critique. This site also provides a link to a PowerPoint presentation of Mannheim's theoretical ideas. (
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A Politics for Generation X | | This article from the Atlantic Monthly discusses the political disengagement of Generation X and proposes some ways to solve this problem. (
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Marshall, Mannheim, and Modern Citizenship | | This paper, written by Robert White and Jed Donoghue, discusses how Mannheim's theory of political knowledge can be applied to Marshall's work on citizenship. (
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Real Life is Meaning | | This essay, written by J.H. Oldham, discusses Mannheim's Man and Society, including the idea of planning for freedom and the social causes of irrationality. (
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