Karl Marx |  |
Web Links
Marxist Internet Archive | | A vast repository of all things Marxist, this site includes downloadable summaries of various Marxist topics, definitions of Marxist terms, and biographical information about Marxist writers. (
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Biographical Information | | A detailed look at the development of Marx's life and thought. The emphasis is on the changing nature of Marx's writing across his life. (
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The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | | A description of Marxism from an alternative (economic) perspective. It provides a discussion of the fundamental portions of Marx's economics. (
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Capital, volume 1 | | A searchable text version of Marx's first volume of Capital, a handy reference. Chapters are grouped thematically. (
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The Philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels | | A detailed discussion of the various philosophical dimensions of Marx's work. It includes references to various philosophical traditions and Marx's placement therein. (
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Marx's Teaching and its Historical Importance | | An interesting discussion of the importance of Marx and his teachings. It is organized thematically and discusses his political, philosophical, economic, and historical writings. (
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Wage Labour and Capital | | A quick, handy reference guide to Marx's economic writing, dealing primarily with wages, commodities, and capital. (
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People's Weekly World | | News from a Marxist perspective, brought to you by the Communist Party U.S.A. (
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From Marx to Mao | | A reading list from Marx to Mao with downloadable text. It includes a "beginner" section and more advanced text. (
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