Emile Durkheim |  |
Web Links
The Durkheim Pages | | This site provides a wealth of material on Emile Durkheim, including a glossary of Durkheimian concepts, reviews of recent works on Durkheim, full texts of Durkheim's work in French and English, and a discussion board. (
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Sociology at Hewett: The Durkheim Page | | This site provides useful summaries of Durkheim's works, including his concept of anomie, his understanding of the individual and society, and his sociology of religion and knowledge. (
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The Emile Durkheim Archive | | This site provides information on a range of topics from Durkheim's work, including suicide, religion, anomie, division of labor, solidarity, and crime. It also contains a bibliography of Durkheim's work, a glossary of Durkheimian concepts, and additional weblinks. (
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Sociology Online: Emile Durkheim | | This site provides a summary of Durkheim's sociological theory, highlighting his key concepts. It also contains questions to guide discussion of his work. (
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Pragmatism and the Question of Truth | | This site contains selections from the original text of Durkheim's Pragmatism and Sociology. (
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Ed Stephen's Sociology 302 site | | This site provides links to overheads that can be used to help explain Durkheimian social trends and concepts. (
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Extracts from Emile Durkheim | | This site provides links to extractions from the original texts of Durkheim's Division of Labor; Suicide; Elementary Forms of Religious Life; and Rules of Sociological Method. (
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Emile Durkheim Key Concept Crossword Puzzle | | This site provides a crossword puzzle containing Durkheim's key concepts. Click on the number within the puzzle for clues. (
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The Dead Sociologists' Index | | This site provides background on Durkheim the person, as well as a summary of his ideas and parts of his original texts, including What is a Social Fact? and the Division of Labor. (
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