Early Women Sociologists and Classical Sociological Theory, 1830-1930 |  |
Learning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, students should be able to:
- discuss Harriet Martineau's contributions to classical sociological theory, including her work on political economy and morals and manners;
- discuss Charlotte Perkins Gilman's theory of gender stratification in relation to the economy and the family;
- situate the work of Jane Addams and the Chicago Women's School in the Progressive Era and explain the role that social problems and empirical research played in the sociological work of these women;
- discuss the relationship between gender, race, class, and power in the works of Anna Julia Cooper and Ida Wells-Barnett;
- understand the major themes in Marianne Weber's social theory and be able to compare and contrast her work with that of Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman; and
- discuss the role of the state in Beatrice Potter Webb's vision of society.