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Computing Essentials 2002-2003 Intro, 14/e
Timothy J. O'Leary
Linda I. O'Leary


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Click on thebold links below to view the individual tips. When finished, close the pop-up window to return to the tips main page.

  1. Using a Browser Have you used the Internet? For those who have not, consider a few tips to get started with.
  2. Inserting Audio Clips Want to add some interest and a personal touch to your correspondence? You can, by including an audio clip of your voice in a text document.
  3. Playing Music on Your Computer Do you like to listen to music while working on your computer? If your computer has the right equipment, you can play your favorite CDs while you work.
  4. Power Outage Recovery Have you ever been working on a document when the power goes off? Consider these suggestions to get back underway.
  5. Improving Presentations Planning a presentation for school or work? Consider some tips from professionals to make the best impression.
  6. Improving Printed Output Are your printouts blurry or smeared? It could be time to clean your printer.
  7. Upgrading Your System Having problems or want to upgrade your system with the help of a professional? You can choose a reputable technician using these suggestions.
  8. Cleaning Your Keyboard Are the keys in your keyboards sticky? Follow these guidelines to make it clean again.
  9. Cleaning Your Mouse Does your mouse pointer move smoothly across the screen? It may be time to clean it, here are some tips.
  10. Caring for Floppy Disks Do you worry about the data stored on floppy disks? Taking care of these storage devices boils down to just a few basic rules.
  11. Improving Slow Operations Does you computer seem to be getting slower and slower? Consider a few suggestions that might add a little zip to your current system.
  12. Defragmenting Drives Are you having problems with corrupted files? The problem may lie in a fragmented disk.
  13. Using WinZip Want to send large files over the Internet? Here is how to save both space and valuable time by compressing files first.
  14. Free Internet Access Did you know that some Internet service providers are free? If you are interested in free service, check out these sites.
  15. Improving Your E-mail Concerned your e-mail messages may be overlooked? Review some guidelines that help insure your message gets across.
  16. Finding E-mail Addresses Have you lost track of a friend? You can use e-mail address directories to locate some addresses.
  17. Improved Internet Searches Are you going to use a search tool to locate some information? Here are some suggestions that might help.
  18. Internet Shopping Have you ever bought anything online? Here are some suggestions on how to get shopping.
  19. Internet Privacy Are you concerned about your privacy while connected to the Web? Consider some suggestions on protecting your identity online.
  20. Web Content Advisor Do your children or siblings use the Internet a lot? To help protect them from viewing inappropriate material consider these suggestions.
  21. Medical Records Privacy Do you worry that your medical records are publicly available? Here is how to find out for sure.
  22. Virus Protection Are you concerned about your computer catching a virus? Here are some suggestions to prevent a virus from harming your system.
  23. Web Page Advice Are you thinking of creating a Web site or updating one you currently maintain? Consider these suggestions to improve your site.
