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Human Development: Updated, 7/e
James Vander Zanden, Ohio State University
Thomas Crandell, Broome Community College
Corinne Crandell, Broome Community College

Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development

Factual Multiple Choice


Which of the following statements is most accurate concerning aging in American culture?
A)Aging is viewed positively by both younger and older generations.
B)Aging is viewed negatively by only those in the older generations who are experiencing it.
C)Aging does not, for the majority of Americans, destroy the continuity of who they are.
D)American senior citizens are more likely to be labeled with masculine characteristics than feminine ones.

The study of aging and the special problems of the elderly is ________; whereas, the branch of medicine that is concerned with the mental health of elderly persons is ________.
A)geriatrics; senescence
B)geriatrics; gerontology
C)gerontology; geropsychology
D)senescence; gerontology

An area of the world where people typically live until very old is
C)Soviet Caucasus

A substantial rise in elderly population will most likely occur around what time, when the baby boom generation passes 65?

The fastest growing part of the American population currently is
A)those under age 25
B)those reaching age 45
C)those reaching age 65
D)those reaching age 85

American population changes will have far-reaching socioeconomic impact, including all of the following except
A)increased movement of Americans to the south and southwest
B)increased demand for various resources, such as Social Security, and other government-sponsored programs
C)increased attention to the dependency needs of the elderly, such as housing and health care
D)increased political action and involvement

Women seem to be more durable organisms than men because
A)of an inherited sex-linked resistance to some types of life-threatening disease
B)lower levels of late-life estrogen protect them against cardiovascular disease
C)they eat more balanced diets that are lower in cholesterol
D)they lead more active and energetic lives

A major economic trend in the United States over the past five decades has been
A)more saving promoted by banks offering higher interest rates
B)growth in the number of Americans dependent upon government aid
C)a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans
D)a decrease in programs and support services for older Americans, allowing fewer people to retire

Regarding the future of the Social Security system, one can probably anticipate that
A)the number of workers who will contribute to this system will be increasing
B)the support ratio will be decreasing
C)by the year 2020, on the basis of current trends, the system will be paying out more than it is taking in
D)those working Americans who have been contributing will be getting all their money back for their retirement years

Which of the following statements regarding the Social Security system is the least accurate?
A)One answer to the problems of the Social Security system has been raising the retirement age.
B)Today's younger workers must pay Social Security taxes of several thousand dollars a year for their entire working careers.
C)Critics of the system contend that most people could do much better if they were able to put their Social Security contributions into a private pension plan.
D)Economists say that we should make Social Security voluntary.

Which of the following statements is a fact?
A)Most old people are in poor health.
B)Less than one-tenth of the elderly who live at home are bedridden and homebound.
C)Most Americans over 65 find themselves in serious financial straits.
D)Most of the elderly view crime as a major concern.

Which of the following statements is least accurate?
A)Most elderly people are in serious financial straits.
B)Elderly Americans are in better financial shape than they were three decades ago.
C)Social Security and retirement benefits are the primary sources of income for most elderly persons.
D)The economic gap between men and women widens in retirement.

If a woman is a widow and was not employed during her lifetime, she is likely to receive a monthly Social Security benefit of how much based on her husband's previous benefit of $850?
B)about $538
C)about $425

Elderly Americans are more likely to experience
A)higher incidence of multiple disorders
B)lower incidence of chronic disease
C)higher incidence of acute illnesses
D)multiple serious disorders

Researchers examining the health of elderly Americans find that
A)75 percent of adults have sufficiently active lifestyles
B)increases in so-called desirable weights for men made over the last three decades are unjustified and are likely to result in higher death rates
C)energy requirements increase with age
D)elderly people need fewer nutrients than younger adults

Elderly women are more likely than men to
A)experience brief blackouts
B)absorb drugs rapidly from their intestinal tracts
C)need calcium supplements to slow or stop osteoporosis
D)spend a large percentage of their lives without chronic infirmities

Regarding prescription drug use,
A)elderly persons absorb drugs more readily from the intestinal tract than younger persons
B)the average healthy elderly person takes two different prescription medicines per year
C)a person over age 60 is more likely to suffer adverse side effects than a younger patient
D)elderly people need higher doses of all medications than younger people

In order to combat the effects of aging through physical fitness, elderly individuals
A)need to exercise regularly to replace lost muscle mass
B)need to perform aerobic activities as well as strength training
C)need not be concerned with strength training because muscle size does not change with age
D)need to perform only non-vigorous exercises to increase their life span

The protein substance that has been implicated in the body's aging process is called

Regarding tendencies in rates of aging, which of the following statements is most accurate?
A)Aging occurs in a very predictable pattern for men and women.
B)Sensory functioning declines precede physical/muscular decline.
C)The rate of aging varies while the tendencies in aging are predictable.
D)Genetics plays a major role in the rate of aging.

Which of the following is an accurate description of age-related physical change?
A)a marked loss of hearing, especially in the lower frequencies
B)gains in maximum oxygen intake
C)more sleep with less frequent awakenings
D)a decline in the number of taste buds

Most communities, through their own utility companies, accept donations for the elderly poor to heat their living space during the cold months because the elderly are susceptible to a medical condition called

The perspective that there are biological limits as to how long human beings can live is supported by ________, while the perspective that human beings are not programmed to survive very long past the end of their reproductive period is supported by ________.
A)Fries; Vaupel
B)Olshansky; Fries
C)Vaupel; Olshansky
D)Fries; Olshansky

Which of the following theories of aging implies that the probability of a random happening increases as the number of events increases?
A)autoimmune mechanism
B)genetic preprogramming
C)stochastic processes
D)error in DNA

The biological theory of aging that proposes the body's natural defenses against infection begin to attack normal cells is called ________ theory.
A)mean time to failure
B)copying errors
C)autoimmune mechanism
D)accumulation of metabolic waste

Longevity assurance theory, proposed by Sacher, takes a different perspective on the aging process by supporting that
A)favorable genes that repair other cells are passed along by evolution
B)the longer you live, the more likely you will continue to live because you have learned how to avoid disaster and illness
C)"free radicals" help to repair cell functioning
D)DNA mutations in molecules promote more rapid cell division

Different procedures for studying the effects of aging provide somewhat different results. Which of the following approaches tends to overestimate the effects of aging?
D)case study

Research suggests that with respect to aging and memory
A)a progressive loss of memory necessarily accompanies advancing age
B)some memory loss is found in an increasing proportion of older people with each advance in chronological age
C)age-related decreases are more severe for recognition than for recall tasks
D)there is no clear pattern of problems with memory retrieval

Which of the following is not characteristic of senility?
A)progressive mental deterioration
B)memory loss
C)disorientation to time and place
D)impaired hearing

In the first phase of Alzheimer's disease
A)the patient experiences multiinfarcts that destroy small areas of brain tissue
B)individuals forget where things were placed and have difficulty recalling events
C)there are difficulties in cognitive functioning that cannot be overlooked
D)hyperthyroidism leads to signs of depression

Which of the following statements regarding Alzheimer's disease is most accurate?
A)There is no evidence supporting a genetic source for Alzheimer's disease.
B)Many adults with Down syndrome eventually develop Alzheimer's lesions.
C)Alzheimer's-induced senility is an easily treated condition.
D)Ninety percent of all cases of senility are caused by Alzheimer's disease.