1 |  |  Your child is playing with an imaginary friend. This usually indicates |
|  | A) | psychosis |
|  | B) | underlying cognitive changes |
|  | C) | dissatisfaction with real friends |
|  | D) | all of the above |
2 |  |  Your child shows evidence of emotional self-regulation, can express feelings in complex ways, plays cooperatively, but hasn't started constructing a gender identity. Her most probable age is |
|  | A) | 4 1/2 |
|  | B) | 3 |
|  | C) | 6 |
|  | D) | 2 |
3 |  |  Sam wears clothes that are not traditionally masculine or feminine. Sam's hair is not done in a way that is indicative of a man's style or a woman's style. Sam likes to fish, play baseball, knit, and take ballet lessons. Sam is not conforming to |
|  | A) | gender identity |
|  | B) | gender roles |
|  | C) | gender |
|  | D) | gender bias |
4 |  |  A girl grows up never once seeing the genitals of another person, so she is unaware of the physical differences between boys and girls, but she still has a strong sense of gender identification. Which theory of gender identity development will this case undermine? |
|  | A) | cognitive learning |
|  | B) | psychoanalytic |
|  | C) | cognitive development |
|  | D) | ecological |
5 |  |  Theresa is a 5-year-old whose mother rarely asks her to pick up her toys or help around the house and always reasons with Theresa about acceptable standards of behavior. What parenting style does Theresa's mother use? |
|  | A) | permissive |
|  | B) | authoritative |
|  | C) | harmonious |
|  | D) | authoritarian |
6 |  |  Yan has been raised in a harmonious parenting household. She has just started kindergarten. Which behavior is she most likely to exhibit at school? |
|  | A) | She runs to the teacher often to "tattle" on what other children are doing. |
|  | B) | She is regimented and obedient in her behavior, doing everything she is told to do immediately. |
|  | C) | She is almost oblivious to oral directives, doing very much as she pleases whenever she wants. |
|  | D) | She is not fearful of the classroom environment or the teacher and readily consoles other children if they become upset. |
7 |  |  In your house, the children are all given rules and responsibilities. However, they negotiate with each other for who does what tasks (e.g., dishes) if there is a special event (e.g., a school play). Based on Baumrind's research, we could predict that |
|  | A) | your sons will be very permissive |
|  | B) | your children will be self-reliant |
|  | C) | your daughters will not be very self-reliant |
|  | D) | your children will be withdrawn |
8 |  |  Warren is about to become a stepfather. He is most likely to be successful if he |
|  | A) | allows the children's mother to continue being the authority figure |
|  | B) | is authoritarian and warm |
|  | C) | is not demanding but is permissive |
|  | D) | is authoritative and warm |
9 |  |  Martha's 3-year-old son Cory has thrown his toys all over his room. Which statement demonstrates scaffolding? |
|  | A) | "Please pick up the toys, honey?" |
|  | B) | "Pick up those toys right now!" |
|  | C) | "It's time to pick up your toys, and I'll show you how to put them away." |
|  | D) | "You can pick up the mess whenever you want to." |
10 |  |  McClelland's Harvard Child-Rearing Study is to ________ as White's Harvard Preschool Project is to ________. |
|  | A) | child abuse; competence |
|  | B) | parenting techniques; aggressive behavior |
|  | C) | parenting techniques; spanking |
|  | D) | personality development; competence |
11 |  |  Billy's parents have been divorced for one year, and he now lives with his mother. His mother is unsuccessful in her efforts to decrease his acting-out behavior and she spanks him. Billy tells her, "You can't make me stop." She hits him harder. Psychologists could predict that |
|  | A) | as time goes by, Billy's mother will give up on him and make fewer demands for mature behavior |
|  | B) | as time goes by, Billy's mother will start ignoring him more and showing him less attention |
|  | C) | Billy's school grades will decrease, and he will become more abusive and demanding |
|  | D) | Billy would be more obedient for his mother if his father was more psychologically available to him |
12 |  |  Sue is the artificially inseminated child of a lesbian couple. She is a third grader, age appropriate in all developmental domains, and is a well-adjusted girl. School officials are concerned, however, that being raised in this environment will influence her sexual orientation later. According to the chapter, which response is most accurate in this case? |
|  | A) | Sue will grow up to be a lesbian. |
|  | B) | It will be very difficult for Sue to ever be attracted to members of the opposite sex. |
|  | C) | There is no clear evidence as to whether homosexual parents produce homosexual children. |
|  | D) | Sue will unlikely be a "tomboy" because of her infrequent association with males. |
13 |  |  Monique is a very social teenager - many phone calls, invitations to parties, a constant stream of friends in her home, and she was just voted "Most Popular" in her graduating class. Based on birth-order research, she is likely to be |
|  | A) | the "baby" in her family |
|  | B) | the middle child in her family |
|  | C) | the firstborn in her family |
|  | D) | the only child in her family |
14 |  |  As a preschool teacher, what type of peer interaction would you expect when you walk into a play area? |
|  | A) | boys and girls playing together |
|  | B) | boys playing with boys; girls playing with girls |
|  | C) | both boys and girls involved in rough-and-tumble play |
|  | D) | girls playing in larger groups; boys playing in more solitary situations |
15 |  |  Your husband is always telling the children, "Quit playing around and do something useful with your time." Your best advice to your husband might be that |
|  | A) | although play is a poor use of time, children need to expend energy |
|  | B) | although most play is a waste of time, middle-class children generally use playtime efficiently |
|  | C) | telling this to the children will decrease their enjoyment of play |
|  | D) | play is children's work; it has vital social, cognitive, and physical benefits |
16 |  |  A pair of young parents is seeking a preschool for their 4-year-old child. There are several options available to them in their community. They have, however, heard conflicting reports about the educational quality of these preschools and are now confused. Which advice would you supply these parents? |
|  | A) | Go to the school and meet the director, teacher, and aides. |
|  | B) | Inquire about the academic qualifications of staff, and ask to see verifications, if possible. |
|  | C) | Determine the goals of the preschool and their policies. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
17 |  |  Your city's mayor is threatening to cut the funding for the local Head Start program. You decide to write a letter to support the continuance of this program based on the findings of more recent research that states |
|  | A) | socioeconomically disadvantaged children perform as well as or better than their peers in regular schools and have fewer grade retentions or special education placements because of this program. |
|  | B) | socioeconomically disadvantaged children have been provided with essential health care through this program |
|  | C) | the Head Start program gives parents access to community resources that provide parenting skills and support for the entire family |
|  | D) | all of the above |
18 |  |  Ivan is a 12-year-old child who has grown up in a single-parent home with his mother. He has recently been getting detentions in school for misbehavior, which his mother doesn't understand. The school psychologist suggests that Ivan's mother enroll Ivan in the Big Brother program at the local YMCA. Why? |
|  | A) | Ivan is just naturally mischievous - you know, "Boys will be boys." |
|  | B) | Ivan needs the influence of an older male role model to develop his athletic skills. |
|  | C) | An older male role model will probably help Ivan gain some self-control. |
|  | D) | Ivan's gender identity might become more feminine if he doesn't have a male role model. |
19 |  |  Mr. Jones refers to his child as "strong, alert, and well-coordinated." Studies show he's most likely referring to his |
|  | A) | son |
|  | B) | daughter |
|  | C) | either his son or daughter |
|  | D) | his oldest daughter |
20 |  |  Which of the following concepts provides social (cultural) guidelines that define for us our obligations and expectations? |
|  | A) | roles |
|  | B) | egocentric perspective |
|  | C) | self |
|  | D) | construct perspective |
21 |  |  Mom is acting as if she has just declared war on the world and Dad is treating every day as if it's Christmas. What is likely to be going on in this family? |
|  | A) | They have gone through a divorce |
|  | B) | They have a child entering puberty |
|  | C) | They are having their first child |
|  | D) | They are becoming stepparents |