1 |  |  Robert's teacher was discussing the various parts of a river system with his class. Robert immediately drew a picture to represent his teacher's oral lesson because he has realized that he learns things more quickly this way. Psychologists refer to Robert's understanding of his own mental processes as |
|  | A) | conservation |
|  | B) | executive strategy |
|  | C) | decentering |
|  | D) | metacognition |
2 |  |  Margaret watches her mother pour water from a short, wide container into a long, narrow flower vase. She realizes that the initial state of the water can be regained by pouring it back into the original container. Piaget would say Margaret has attained which of the following? |
|  | A) | reversibility |
|  | B) | transformation |
|  | C) | decentration |
|  | D) | internal locus of control |
3 |  |  Kara observes that her son has developed the various conservation skills in a sequential manner. According to Piaget, this type of successive skill development is referred to as |
|  | A) | locus of control |
|  | B) | conventional development |
|  | C) | horizontal décalage |
|  | D) | decentration |
4 |  |  You are a third grade teacher preparing your lesson plans for the second half of the year. If you have just taught the lesson on conservation of area, which conservation skill is next? |
|  | A) | substance |
|  | B) | length |
|  | C) | weight |
|  | D) | volume |
5 |  |  A 5-year-old child suffers a stroke, how could you expect language development to progress? |
|  | A) | normally, because of the existence of "backups" in the brain |
|  | B) | normally, because of faster neurological response time |
|  | C) | abnormally, due to loss of oxygen to the brain |
|  | D) | abnormally, due to slower neurological response time |
6 |  |  Suzanne, a fifth grade teacher, wants to instill in her students a sense of originality and the willingness to think creatively. Psychologists would offer all of the following as tips to foster creativity in children except |
|  | A) | using provocative and thought-producing questions |
|  | B) | discouraging children from questioning the rules established for their own safety |
|  | C) | giving youngsters an opportunity to communicate what they have learned and accomplished |
|  | D) | encouraging children's awareness and sensitivity regarding environmental stimuli |
7 |  |  Muriel's father, Vincent, has noticed that his daughter uses very simplistic words such as "good" and "nice" when describing the characters in her stories. According to researchers, Muriel's tendency to categorize people in such a moralistic manner shows that she is how old? |
|  | A) | 7 years old |
|  | B) | 8 years old |
|  | C) | 9 years old |
|  | D) | 10 years old |
8 |  |  After her parents were divorced, 10-year-old Jennifer remarked, "Even though Mom and Dad act like they like each other, I don't really think they do." This statement indicates |
|  | A) | the use of simple moralistic social categories |
|  | B) | insightful person-perception ability |
|  | C) | an inability to activate social stereotypes |
|  | D) | that Jennifer has internalized moral prohibitions |
9 |  |  Which of the following is most likely to be the cause of death in middle childhood ? |
|  | A) | cancer |
|  | B) | a car accident |
|  | C) | a snake bite |
|  | D) | drowning |
10 |  |  Francine is an average 8-year-old girl. She spends approximately 23 a week ________. Knowing how she spends her time, you ask her to give a report on the value of ________. |
|  | A) | doing homework, education |
|  | B) | shopping, consumerism |
|  | C) | playing with imaginary friends, creativity |
|  | D) | watching television, distance learning through media |
11 |  |  Larry is a child in your classroom who is having trouble learning math. Which approach should work best in helping him learn the subject? |
|  | A) | examples using induction |
|  | B) | examples using deduction |
|  | C) | examples using decalage |
|  | D) | examples using conservation |
12 |  |  While waiting for her dinner at the restaurant, Lauren tries to get her father's attention by making various animal sounds. Lauren's father reprimands her and tells her that such behavior is inappropriate in public. Lauren is at first angry, but then she behaves nicely and tells her little brother not to "make funny noises in public." Lauren's internalization of her father's social standard in this situation most clearly exemplifies which approach toward moral development? |
|  | A) | cognitive-developmental theory |
|  | B) | psychoanalytic theory |
|  | C) | cognitive learning theory |
|  | D) | behaviorism |
13 |  |  You moved to the United States from a foreign country and do not speak English. You find yourself in a classroom where the teachers are speaking to you in English and your first language. This approach to learning English is called |
|  | A) | English as a Second Language |
|  | B) | bilingualism |
|  | C) | total immersion |
|  | D) | code switching |
14 |  |  A sixth grade student displays a willingness to cooperate with his fellow classmates. Piaget would state that this child's egalitarian relationship with his peers will lead to which type of moral development? |
|  | A) | autonomous morality |
|  | B) | heteronomous morality |
|  | C) | conventional level |
|  | D) | preconventional level |
15 |  |  According to Kohlberg, which of the following children is demonstrating the highest level of moral development? |
|  | A) | Billy, who treats his sister nicely when Mom and Dad are around so that he won't get yelled at. |
|  | B) | Jimmy, who tells his mother that he got good grades because he knows his mother will like hearing this. |
|  | C) | Don, who cleans the blackboards for his teacher so he might get a better grade. |
|  | D) | Mary, who refuses to dissect a frog in biology class even though her grade will suffer. |
16 |  |  Donny tells his older brother, "I won't tell Mom that you were kissing your girlfriend in the living room if you don't tell her I was eating cheese and crackers in the bedroom." Donny is displaying |
|  | A) | autonomous morality |
|  | B) | concrete operational reasoning |
|  | C) | conventional morality |
|  | D) | preconventional morality |
17 |  |  Missy is a 14-year-old girl who has grown up in an inner-city environment. She's been a gang member for two years now, and last night she helped "initiate" another girl into the gang by assisting in "beating up" the new girl. Missy does not feel guilty over her actions - as a matter of fact, she's proud of what she's done. How does the text explain Missy's thinking and actions? |
|  | A) | Missy is a delinquent who has never learned right from wrong. |
|  | B) | Missy has internalized her standards of improper behavior in accordance with the standards of the group. |
|  | C) | Missy felt she had to do these terrible things to another person or else she would lose face in front of her peers and get kicked out of the gang. |
|  | D) | Missy would be classified as a "sociopath" - someone who cares only for herself and her own needs. |
18 |  |  Sam is an Eagle Scout and has been praised for his honesty and trustworthiness. However, yesterday Sam got caught stealing a pen from the store. On the basis of research, the most logical conclusion one can reach is that |
|  | A) | Sam's stealing is motivated by a universal ethical orientation |
|  | B) | Sam's honesty is specific to particular situations and not a trait of his character |
|  | C) | Sam is morally immature because his moral attitudes are inconsistent with his behavior |
|  | D) | if Sam were more intelligent, he would have avoided being caught |
19 |  |  After shoveling his own driveway, 11-year-old Alex decided to shovel the driveway of his elderly neighbor, Mr. Hogan. As Alex was leaving to go home, Mr. Hogan said he wanted to pay him for his work. Alex refused the offer and said, "I didn't do it for the money, I just wanted to help you out." Alex's behavior clearly represents |
|  | A) | coping |
|  | B) | empathy |
|  | C) | altruism |
|  | D) | autonomy |
20 |  |  According to research, parents who wish to foster helping and altruistic behaviors in their children should do all of the following except |
|  | A) | make the child feel guilty if they do something wrong |
|  | B) | convey a certain intensity about their own concern for living things |
|  | C) | describe to the child how the other person feels if the child hurts someone else |
|  | D) | provide guidelines and set limits on what youngsters can get away with |