Keith A. Sverdrup,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alyn C. Duxbury,
University of Washington Alison B. Duxbury,
Seattle Community College
ISBN: 0072826789 Copyright year: 2006
About the Authors
(36.0K) Keith A. Sverdrup
Keith A. Sverdrup is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) where he has taught oceanography for 20 years and conducts research in tectonics and seismicity. He is a recipient of UWM's Undergraduate Teaching Award. Keith received his B.S. in Geophysics from the University of Minnesota and his Ph.D. in Earth Science with a dissertation on seismotectonics in the Pacific Ocean basin from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Keith has been active in educational programs of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for many years. He was a member of AGU's Education and Human Resources Committee for 12 years (chairing it for four years), and also chaired both AGU's Excellence in Geophysics Education Award Committee and the Editorial Advisory Committee for Earth and Space. Keith served as a member of AIP's Physics Education Committee for six years. He is a member of American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Geological Society of America, National Association of Geology Teachers, National Science Teachers Association, and Sigma Xi.
Alyn C. Duxbury (left) and Alison B. Duxbury (right) (32.0K)Alyn C. Duxbury (left) and Alison B. Duxbury (right)Alyn C. Duxbury Alyn C. Duxbury is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, where he taught courses in oceanography and marine studies, and also conducted research for more than 32 years. Alyn received both his B.S. in oceanography and M.S. in physical oceanography from the University of Washington and his Ph.D. in physical oceanography from Texas A & M University.
Over the years, Alyn also served as assistant director of the Washington Sea Grant Program, directed the production of seven books about Puget Sound, and helped establish voc-tech programs at five Puget Sound area community colleges, as well as oversaw the development of marine education programs at the Pacific Science Center. Alyn's research emphasized coastal oceanography in the Columbia River effluent region and estuarine studies of Puget Sound. Alyn and Alison belong to a variety of professional and scientific organizations, including Sigma Xi, American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. Alyn currently serves as an associate editor of Coastal Zone Journal.
Alison B. Duxbury
Alison B. Duxbury taught oceanography, cell biology, genetics, and plant biology for 20 years at Seattle Community College. Alison's early research concentrated on the large algae of the Northwest and later changed to the evaluation of populations of northeast coast planktonic algae-including mechanisms controlling growth and reproduction rates.
Alison was also co-founder of the highly successful Biotechnology Training Program that provides laboratory personnel for Seattle's many biotech industries. Alison has been responsible for co-authoring several successful oceanography texts with her husband, Alyn. Both she and Alyn have seen Introduction to the World's Oceans through seven editions and recently released the fourth edition of the successful Fundamentals of Oceanography. Alison received both her B.A. in Botany and her M.A. in Marine Botany from the University of California-Berkeley.
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