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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Fire __________________.
A)has played a crucial role in human evolution
B)properly used is an important agricultural tool that predates the plow
C)is one of man's earliest offensive weapons
D)helped shape the human diet
E)all of the above

Lightning generated about _____% of all wildfires in the United States in 2000.

Heat transfer mechanisms associated with a burning log include _________________.
E)all of the above

Which chemical reaction best represents the fire equation?
A)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + solar radiation ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
B)C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ----> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + released heat
C)Ca2++ + CO32- ----> CaCO3
D)2 SO2 + O2 ---> 2 SO4

The wet-dry Mediterranean climate of California sets up prodigious fires because ______________.
A)large numbers of people live there
B)it is the world's leading lightning strike area
C)it is closer to the equator and thus hotter and drier than other portions of the U.S.
D)its cold wet winters and hot dry summers provide evolutionary pressure that favors plants that require fire as part of their life cycle
E)all of the above

The process whereby wood degrades thermally, resulting in production of flammable hydrocarbons, is referred to as ________________.

The essential ingredients in any fire include _________________.
A)fuel source
B)ignition (heat)
E)A, B, and C

The manner and rate at which fire spreads is a function of _______________.
B)wind direction and velocity
C)fuel source
D)weather conditions
E)all of the above

The chief role of drought in wildfires is _______________.
A)drying out the fuel source
B)making environmental conditions inhospitable for firefighters
C)igniting the fire
D)forcing the human population to withdraw from the area
E)none of the above. Provide your own best answer _______________.

As evidenced in the Peshtigo, Wisconsin, fire of 1871, local wildfires were influenced by _____________.
A)the political climate
B)regional weather patterns
D)mineral exploitation (i.e., mining)
E)answers B and C
F)answers B, C, and D
G)answers A, B, C, and D

The chaparral plants of southern California demonstrate the important role that fire plays in _________________.
A)plant destruction
B)the growth cycle, from germination to maturity
C)redistributing plants
E)all of the above

In the U.S., the predominant regional weather pattern associated with foehn winds (e.g., Chinook or Santa Ana) involves ___________________.
A)high-pressure cell situated over the Great Basin
B)El Niño
C)Pacific High
D)Aleutian Low
E)Intertropical Convergence Zone

Which of the following might help prevent home fires?
A)Building on a slope.
B)Building with stone or some other inflammable material.
C)Clearing foliage away from the home.
D)Using wood shingles.
E)answers B and C

The disparity between number of wildfires in chaparral of Baja California, Mexico and southern California is due in part to ____________________.
A)difference in environmental management
B)proliferation of older, less fire-resistant, plants in southern California
C)multigenerational plants in Baja California with fire-resistant young plants interspersed among older plants
D)the absence of Santa Ana winds in Mexico
E)answers A, B, and C

Prescribed fires are designed to control ____________________.
A)all forest fires
B)forest fires on private lands
C)fires in remote areas
D)build-up of underbrush that frequently fuels wildfires

The catastrophic nature of the 1988 wildfire in Yellowstone National Park was in part the result of ____________________.
A)U.S. Forest Service's 1970's-era change in policy to allow natural wildfires to burn
B)U.S. Forest Service's pre-1970's policy of fighting all fires, which forced trees to overpopulate and dead vegetation to accumulate
C)El Niño - Southern Oscillation conditions in the South Atlantic
D)abundant chaparral vegetation
E)an unusually high concentration of tourists that summer
F)A and B

The Australian bushfires of the 1980's, among the largest wildfires ever, were the result of ___________________.
A)a prescribed burn
B)Patrick O'Leary's antisocial cow
C)the complex interplay between drought, El Niño, and foehn winds
D)exponential population growth
E)ecological efforts to control non-indigenous animals (i.e., rabbit)

In terms of human casualties from fire, the single-most dangerous structure in the U.S. is the ____________________.
A)15- to 30-story skyscraper
B)family home
C)elementary school
D)multistory apartment building
E)your car

Foehn winds are best described as ____________________.
A)sea breezes
B)hot, dry winds that move downslope
C)land breezes
D)wet, ground-hugging clouds
E)winds accompanying pyroclastic flows

A firestorm refers to _____________________.
A)a thunderstorm that generates an unusually high number of lightning strikes
B)a swarm of fireflies descending on a summer party
C)an unusually hot and voracious wildfire often accompanied by fire tornadoes
D)a wildfire confined to the canopy of a hardwood forest
E)a swarm of wildfires concentrated in a small area

As U.S. Forest Service wildfire policy adapts to problems of combating fires that impinge on human populations, a potential change from 1980-90s "let it burn" may be towards ____________________.
A)careful monitoring of wildfires with frequent intervention
B)continuing to let all wildfires burn
C)stamping out all wildfires
D)stamping out all wildfires proximal to human structures
E)giving up and going home

The term duff refers to __________________.
A)U.S. Geological Survey volcanologist, Wendall Duffield
B)A small easily controlled fire
C)A thick bed of pine needles and organic debris that frequently hosts smoldering fires
D)A fire started by an arsonist

Conditions of southern California that make it ripe for wildfires include _________________.
A)chaparral ecology
B)Mediterranean wet-dry climate
C)Santa Ana winds
D)frequent drought
E)all of the above

The use of prescribed fires recently came under attack following ________________.
A)the Yellowstone wildfire of 1988
B)the out-of-control burn outside Los Alamos in May of 2000
C)a small fire that threatened the West Wing of the White House
D)a U.S. Senate report indicating low cost to benefit ratio

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