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Multiple Choice Quiz
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That portion of the lunar surface covered by flood basalts provides evidence that ________________.
A)there has been recent volcanic activity on the Moon
B)the Moon is a dead planet
C)intense bombardment of the Moon by asteroids and comets ended nearly 3.2 billion years ago
D)the Moon has a plate-tectonic mechanism similar to the Earth
E)all of the above

The Earth, unlike the Moon, has few obvious impact craters because _____________________.
A)few asteroids have struck the Earth
B)Earth's atmosphere absorbs the kinetic energy of asteroids
C)of serendipity
D)the Earth is an active and dynamic planet whose surface is constantly undergoing change
E)most impacts occur in Antarctica where they are yet to be discovered

Which of the following is not a potential consequence of a large meteorite impact on Earth?
A)Formation of a complex crater with central uplift
B)Globally dispersed iridium that falls on plants and poisons animals that eat the plants
D)Acid rain

The most common type of meteorites discovered on Earth is _____________________.
B)iron meteorites
E)stony meteorites

The rings of icy debris encircling several of the outer gas-giant planets consist of _________________.
B)NH3 (ammonia)
D)CH4 (methane)
E)rock debris
F)all of the above

The cluster of millions of asteroids situated between Mars and Jupiter is called _________________.
A)asteroid belt
D)the Milky Way

Some groups of asteroids, such as the Apollo asteroids, have orbits that _________________.
A)never approach the Earth
B)intersect with the Sun
C)are wholly unpredictable
D)intersect Earth's orbit
E)take them outside the Solar System

The names of two asteroid groups that supply asteroids that occasionally slam into the Earth are ________________.
A)Mars and Jupiter
B)Apollo and Amor
C)Tectites and Coesite
D)Scorpio and Virgo
E)Milky Way and Butterfinger

Which of the following is not a known or suspected impact site?
A)Chicxulub, Mexico
B)Gubbio, Italy
C)Barringer Crater, Arizona
D)Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
E)Tunguska, Siberia

The Oort cloud is _____________________.
A)a cloud that forms in the Earth's troposphere
B)an ozone-rich cloud of the stratosphere
C)a vast and diffuse envelope of encircling comets
D)an astronomical name for the Milky Way galaxy
E)none of the above

The nearest approach to the Sun of any heavenly body is its ___________________.

The tail of a comet is produced by ___________________.
A)its velocity
B)a mirage
C)sublimation of ice
D)interaction with the solar wind
E)both C and D

The number of meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere in a 24-hour period is ________________.
A)less than 1000
B)greater than 10 billion
C)10,000 to 20,000
D)10 or fewer
E)1 million

Earth is protected from most meteorite impacts by ___________________.
A)U.S. Strategic Meteorite Interception Program (SMIP)
B)its gravitational field
C)its atmosphere
D)the solar wind
E)all of the above

From Figure 16.12, it is clear that the recurrence rate of impacts of 1 km-diameter asteroids is on the order of ___________________ years.

The smallest meteorites are likely to strike the Earth's surface because ___________________.
A)there are so few of them
B)their small surface area dissipates heat thus preventing melting
C)they have greater mass and velocity
D)they are less dense
E)of serendipity (chance)

The mass of meteorite material added daily to the Earth's surface is on the order of _________________.
A)10's of kilograms (kg)
B)1000 kg
C)10,000 kg
D)100 - 1000 tons
E)a mass equivalent to the Sierra Nevada Mountains of east-central California

Evidence that the depression called Meteor Crater in Arizona was the result of a meteorite impact includes ____________________.
A)a steep-sided and closed crater
B)surrounding sedimentary layers dipping away from the crater
C)inverted piles of sedimentary rocks
D)a crater floor with severely shattered rock
E)all of the above

The meteorite whose impact formed Meteor Crater was ____________________.
A)a nickel-iron meteorite
B)approximately 30-m in diameter and traveling at 20 km/sec
C)both A and B
D)the result of a volcanic eruption at Strawberry Crater near Flagstaff, Arizona
E)of unknown size and undetermined velocity

Evidence of a major impact at the K/T boundary (65 million years ago) includes ___________________.
A)eyewitness accounts
B)the published journals of Jules Verne
C)global distribution of iridium & shattered quartz in K/T-age sedimentary rocks
D)extinction of all mammals
E)C and D

Some probable environmental effects from the Chicxulub event of 65 million years ago include __________________.
A)formation of the Gulf of Mexico
B)regional wildfires
C)increased CO2 and soot in the atmosphere
D)enormous earthquakes of more than 11.0 magnitude
E)immediate global cooling followed by years of global warming
F)answers B, C, D, and E

Energy released by a meteorite impact is largely a function of __________________.
A)mass and velocity
B)density and size
C)velocity and composition
D)point of origin and orbit parameters
E)where and when it strikes

Stishovite is ______________________.
A)the name of a famous World War II battleground
B)high pressure form of silica (SiO2) formed during a meteorite impact
C)a meteorite impact site in Siberia
D)a form of meteorite
E)a volcanic exhalation

A resurgent dome in the center of an impact crater is the result of ___________________.
A)collapse of surrounding crater walls
B)release wave pushing rock material in the crater floor skyward
C)ejecta falling back into the crater
D)the meteorite itself
E)all of the above

The risk to human life associated with a meteorite impact is ___________________.
A)infinitesimally small
B)about the same as a car crash
C)infinitesimally large
D)about the same as that of a snake or insect bite
E)about the same as that of an airplane crash

The Torino Scale ________________________.
A)is a measure of earthquake magnitude
B)is a measure of size of meteorite impactors, based on crater size and geological evidence
C)involves the Coriolis effect on meteorites
D)assesses hazards associated with comet and asteroid impacts
E)is a measure of tornado wind strength

NASA in its report "The Spaceguard Survey" addresses _______________________.
A)missile systems for destroying or deflecting comets
B)how to safeguard U.S. territorial waters
C)problems presented by meteorite impacts
D)risks associated with human-made satellites
E)constructing "meteorite shelters" similar to bomb shelters of the 1950's and 1960's

Relatively few impact craters have been discovered on Earth because ________________.
A)some of the crust gets recycled by subduction.
B)over 70% of the Earth is covered by oceans.
C)weathering and erosion erase them.
D)sedimentation and lava flows cover them.
E)all of the above

The expected rate of impact of a space-debris fragment one meter in diameter worldwide is about __________________.
A)one per day.
B)one per week.
C)one per month.
D)one per year.
E)one per century.

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