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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Quiz prepared by Leslie J. Sonder, Dartmouth College.


What process is thought to have produced the Earth's core?
A)accretion of meteorites, build up of internal heat, melting, and separation of heavy and light elements
C)sea-floor spreading
D)gravitational contraction

The Earth is divided into layers that differ in composition and density. What is the proper sequence of these layers if they are listed from least dense to most dense?
A)inner core, outer core, mantle
B)crust, mantle, core
C)core, mantle, crust
D)mantle, core, crust
E)mantle, crust, core

The addition of heat (rise in temperature) at a given point within the Earth will cause _________.
A)an increase in density
B)a decrease in volume
C)a decrease in rock strength
D)an increase in rock strength
E)an increase in gravitational attraction

An increase in pressure at a given point within the Earth will cause ___________.
A)a decrease in density
B)an increase in volume
C)a decrease in rock strength
D)an increase in rock strength
E)a decrease in rigidity

The concept of isostasy states that the "plastic" asthenosphere will adjust to the addition or removal of mass on the Earth's crust. If North America were to become covered in several kilometers of ice as during the last Ice Age, we can hypothesize that the top surface of the rocky crust will _____________.
A)move upward
B)move downward
C)stay at the same position
D)move sideways
E)move upward then downward

Which of the following is not considered a "primary" source of energy for Earth processes?
C)solar energy
D)Earth's internal heat
E)impact of extraterrestrial bodies

Geologists consider the Earth to be 4.6 billion years old. If you counted to 4.6 billion by counting one number every second how long would it take?
A)14 years
B)146 years
C)14,600 years
D)1000 years
E)46 years

The Earth's internal heat is responsible for causing __________.
E)most fires

Heat within the Earth comes from __________.
A)residual heat from asteroid impacts
B)residual heat from gravitational contraction
C)decay of radioactive elements
D)solar energy
E)all of the above except D

Key pieces of evidence that imply the Earth is as old as 4.6 billion years old are __________.
A)the radiometric ages of the oldest rocks on Earth
B)the radiometric ages of the meteorites and rocks on the Moon
C)the radiometric ages of the oldest known minerals on Earth
D)all of the above
E)A and C

The greatest amount of heat energy on the surface of the Earth comes from ______________.
A)gravitational attraction of the Earth and the Moon
B)tidal energy
C)meteorite impact
D)the Sun
E)movement of the Earth

Solar energy is the primary force in the creation of ___________.
C)erosion of earth materials
D)atmospheric circulation
E)all of the above

The Moon has a greater influence on the gravitational pull at the surface of the Earth than the Sun because the Moon_____________.
A)is larger than the Sun
B)has greater mass than the Sun
C)is closer to the Earth
D)spins faster than the Earth
E)is not as dense as the Sun

When the Moon was closer to the Earth the length of the day was ____________ than it is today.
C)the same
D)more variable
E)none of the above

If the mass of the Earth were to increase then the gravitational attraction between the Earth and the Moon would ____________.
C)stay the same
E)none of the above

The gravitational attraction between the Moon, Sun, and Earth will have the greatest effect on the tides of the oceans during a ____________.
A)full moon
B)half moon
C)quarter moon
D)new moon
E)A and D

The commonly accepted hypothesis for the formation of the Earth is ____________.
A)a supernova explosion
B)the gravitational accretion of a cloud, gas, ice, and solid debris
C)the collision of two meteorites
D)an eruption from the Sun
E)nuclear fission

The current hypothesis for the origin of the moon is that ____________.
A)it formed as another planet but was gravitationally captured by the Earth
B)it crystallized from magma released by a massive volcanic eruption on Earth
C)it condensed from vapor generated when a Mars-sized body collided with the Earth
D)it is a captured comet

The greatest source of energy flow related to the Earth is from ____________.
A)heat flow from the interior of the Earth
B)tidal energy of the Moon
C)latent heat of vaporization
D)solar radiation
E)tidal energy of the Sun

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