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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Quiz prepared by Leslie J. Sonder, Dartmouth College.


Figure 6.1 shows that there is a northeast trending zone of seismicity that extends from Arkansas towards the Great Lakes. Based on what you know about this region and the creation of earthquakes, which of the following answers is most plausible?
A)This is a zone of active subduction.
B)This is a zone of active spreading.
C)There are ancient faults in this area that become reactivated at various times.
D)This is a zone of active transform faulting.
E)This is a zone of active volcanic activity.

Geologists hypothesize that the Seattle area in the state of Washington experienced devastating earthquakes about 1,100 years ago based on which of the following lines of evidence?
A)Uplift of the shoreline about 7 meters.
B)Ancient landslide deposits.
C)Ancient tsunami and submarine-landslide deposits.
D)Rock-avalanche deposits in the Olympic Mountains.
E)all of the above

The Seattle area is an earthquake-hazard zone because of _____________________.
A)extension of the North American plate
B)subduction of the North American plate beneath the Juan de Fuca plate
C)continent-continent collisions
D)subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the North American plate
E)strike-slip movements on the San Andreas fault system

The western Great Basin seismic trend is due to ______________________.
A)compressional tectonics in eastern California and western Nevada
B)extensional tectonics in eastern California and western Nevada
C)subduction of the Pacific plate beneath North America
D)buoyant rise of low density sediments due to isostatic adjustment
E)landslides occurring off the Sierra Nevada Mountains

The Basin and Range province is cut by a series of normal faults. Movement on these faults has produced what type of topography?
A)A large basin with no mountains.
B)Relatively flat-lying plains similar to those in the Midwestern United States.
C)Mountains similar to the Himalayan Range in India.
D)A series of mountain ranges separated by valleys.
E)A mid-ocean rift system.

An event similar to a tsunami that can occur in lakes due to avalanches, earthquakes, and other mechanisms is called a ____________________.
D)tidal wave

Faulting of water-saturated sediments can cause the water to be pressurized and create ______________________.
A)volcanic eruptions
B)rock falls
C)thrust faults
D)rain showers
E)sediment and water fountains

The intermountain seismic belt that extends from southern Nevada into Idaho and Montana has had several large earthquakes in historic times that were caused by ____________________.
A)movements mostly along reverse faults away from active plate boundaries
B)movements mostly along strike-slip faults away from active plate boundaries
C)movements mostly along normal faults along active plate boundaries
D)movements mostly along normal faults away from active plate boundaries
E)movements mostly along strike-slip faults along active plate boundaries

A city with a high potential for a major and devastating earthquake along on the Wasatch fault system of the intermountain seismic belt is _______________________.
B)Salt Lake City
D)San Francisco
E)San Diego

Extension and stretching of continental crust, such as that in the Rio Grande Rift zone, are indicated by ______________________.
A)a topographic low area where the crust has been pulled apart
B)normal faults
C)earthquakes of small to moderate magnitude
D)volcanic events
E)all of the above

If a major earthquake occurs along the New Madrid fault system there is likely to be a great deal of destruction due to which of the following factors?
A)The area is heavily populated.
B)Buildings are not designed to withstand large seisms.
C)Much of the area is underlain by soft sediment that will amplify seismic waves.
D)People are not well prepared for such an event.
E)all of the above

Faults that cut the surface of the Earth form planar faces and steep cliffs called _____________________.
E)flat irons

The areas affected by fault movements in the New Madrid area in 1811-1812 and Charleston in 1886 were much greater than the areas affected by large faults along the San Andreas fault system because _______________________.
A)the earthquakes in the eastern part of the United States were of much greater magnitude
B)slip along faults in the eastern part of the United States was over a greater length of the fracture
C)earthquakes in the eastern United States shook old, rigid continent crust that transmitted the energy over a large area
D)earthquakes along the San Andreas fault system only extend over a few miles
E)faults in the western part of the United States only occur when there is volcanic activity in the area

The New Madrid fault system and related fracture systems are thought to be a failed triple junction that started to tear the eastern part of the United States apart 550 million years ago. Which of the following is a site where this type of rifting is occurring today?
A)The Aleutian Islands
B)New Zealand
C)The Hawaiian Islands
D)The Red Sea and eastern Africa

The numerous ancient rifts in the eastern United States (Figure 6.21) are evidence that this area _________________________.
A)has undergone several periods of compressional tectonism
B)has undergone several periods of extensional tectonism
C)was once a subduction zone
D)was once a continent-continental collision zone
E)was none of the above

A likely mechanism for the reactivation of ancient faults on the eastern edge of North America is ___________________.
A)subduction along the southern edge of the United States
B)stresses related to on-land continuations of fracture zones in the Atlantic Ocean Basin
C)stresses created by rifting and opening of the Atlantic Ocean basin
D)eastward movement of the North American plate
E)B and C

How can the melting of rocks in the Earth generate earthquakes?
A)The magma expands and causes adjacent rocks to fracture.
B)Earth can collapse and faults can form when magma is withdrawn from an area.
C)Volcanic eruptions can cause the Earth to shake.
D)Magma injected along old fractures can reduce friction and cause movement.
E)all of the above

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