1 |  |  The production of metallic minerals is primarily based upon the: |
|  | A) | distances to the raw sources, the quantity of the ores and the availability of hydroelectricity |
|  | B) | quantity of the ores, the richness of the ores and the ability to refine the ores |
|  | C) | quantity of the ores, the richness of the ores and the distance to the markets |
|  | D) | richness of the ores, the availability of hydroelectricity and the distance to raw sources |
2 |  |  Out-sourcing is: |
|  | A) | choosing alternate sources of raw materials |
|  | B) | physically delimiting a company's market for others |
|  | C) | producing parts or products abroad for domestic sale |
|  | D) | selling goods at a cheaper price to close down competitors |
3 |  |  Which of the following is not a major manufacturing region? |
|  | A) | Eastern Asia |
|  | B) | Eastern North America |
|  | C) | West and Central Europe |
|  | D) | Western South America |
4 |  |  According to Alfred Weber, what category of costs was the major consideration determining industrial location? |
|  | A) | labor |
|  | B) | materials |
|  | C) | production |
|  | D) | transportation |
5 |  |  Industries which are considered "footloose": |
|  | A) | are fly-by-night operations |
|  | B) | are found in predominantly agricultural areas |
|  | C) | are not affected by transportation costs |
|  | D) | require multiple sources of raw materials |
6 |  |  Of the following four classes of economic activities, which is least spatially tied to resources or markets? |
|  | A) | primary |
|  | B) | secondary |
|  | C) | tertiary |
|  | D) | quaternary |
7 |  |  Which of the following statements concerning shifting cultivation is not correct? |
|  | A) | It is also known as slash-and-burn agriculture. |
|  | B) | It increases in direct proportion to advances in technology. |
|  | C) | It involves more than one-sixth of the world's land area. |
|  | D) | It involves the rotating of fields rather than crops to maintain productivity. |
8 |  |  As a type of economic system, nomadic herding is: |
|  | A) | growing |
|  | B) | declining |
|  | C) | directed by the movements of the animals |
|  | D) | only profitable in the Sahel |
9 |  |  The concept of Comparative Advantage provides an understanding of: |
|  | A) | high market demand for products |
|  | B) | locating plants near raw material sources |
|  | C) | lower wage rates in the United States |
|  | D) | regional specialization |
10 |  |  The chief goal of the Green Revolution was to: |
|  | A) | equalize women's role with men in farming |
|  | B) | make farming less costly |
|  | C) | increase farm size |
|  | D) | increase harvest from the amount of available farmland |
11 |  |  Retailing, as a tertiary industry: |
|  | A) | constitutes a very small portion of employment |
|  | B) | is a rapidly growing sector |
|  | C) | is only found in large urban centers |
|  | D) | is supply oriented |
12 |  |  Secondary industries are concerned with: |
|  | A) | extraction of natural resources |
|  | B) | information processing |
|  | C) | adding value to materials by changing their form or combining them into more useful commodities |
|  | D) | retailing and wholesaling activities |
13 |  |  Which of the following in not characteristic of truck farms? |
|  | A) | They are classified as extensive commercial agriculture. |
|  | B) | They are located near most medium-sized and large cities. |
|  | C) | They produce a wide range of fruits and vegetables. |
|  | D) | Transport costs are high because of special handling requirements. |
14 |  |  Flexible production |
|  | A) | is self-sufficiency applied to an industrial setting |
|  | B) | requires acquisition of components from outside suppliers |
|  | C) | requires a large inventory of supplies |
|  | D) | works well in a Fordist industrial setting |
15 |  |  According to von Thunen, when production plus transport costs equals the value of the commodity at the market, the farmer is at: |
|  | A) | economic margin of cultivation |
|  | B) | economic rent |
|  | C) | locational rent |
|  | D) | spatial margin of profitability |
16 |  |  Intensive subsistence agriculture is concentrated in: |
|  | A) | areas with a Mediterranean climate |
|  | B) | major river valleys and deltas such as the Ganges |
|  | C) | the Lapland areas of Scandinavia |
|  | D) | the plains of the Midwest United States |
17 |  |  The least expensive form of freight movement for long distances is: |
|  | A) | air transportation |
|  | B) | railway transportation |
|  | C) | water transportation |
|  | D) | highway transportation |
18 |  |  That part of the world which is rapidly becoming the most productive industrial region is: |
|  | A) | Eastern Asia |
|  | B) | Northeastern United States |
|  | C) | Australia |
|  | D) | Western United States and Mexico |
19 |  |  Silicon Valley, North Carolina's Research Triangle, and Silicon Valley North around Ottawa, Canada are concentrations of: |
|  | A) | advanced quaternary-level services |
|  | B) | high technology industries |
|  | C) | retailing and wholesaling activity |
|  | D) | traditional heavy-industry manufacturing |
20 |  |  The benefit of just-in-time methodologies is that they: |
|  | A) | reduce inventories of materials and storage of finished products |
|  | B) | allow for infrequent ordering or materials and the stockpiling of finished products |
|  | C) | depend on single plant location theories |
|  | D) | do not allow producers to shift quickly as markets change |
21 |  |  The economic decisions of a country are affected by all of the following factors except: |
|  | A) | cultural considerations |
|  | B) | dependency ratios |
|  | C) | political policies |
|  | D) | technological development |
22 |  |  Which of the following statements regarding the role of women in agriculture is not correct? |
|  | A) | The advances from the Green Revolution were unkind to women in that it reduced the female role in agricultural development programs. |
|  | B) | Women farmers are responsible for at least fifty percent of the world's food. |
|  | C) | Women farmers share equally in the rewards from agriculture with men farmers. |
|  | D) | Women farmers work longer hours for lower wages than men farmers. |
23 |  |  The increase in all grain production worldwide is due to the: |
|  | A) | expansion of farmland |
|  | B) | increase in yield |
|  | C) | decrease in animal production |
|  | D) | increase in world subsistence farming |
24 |  |  Mediterranean agriculture is: |
|  | A) | dependent upon large quantities of summer rainfall |
|  | B) | known for grapes, olives, oranges and figs |
|  | C) | one of the least productive of the agricultural regions |
|  | D) | only found in Southern Europe and Northern Africa |
25 |  |  Many foreign-owned factories have relocated to China, Taiwan and similar areas because of: |
|  | A) | their proximity to major populations |
|  | B) | lower labor costs |
|  | C) | More highly skilled workers |
|  | D) | political instability in Europe |
26 |  |  The rate at which a resource is used so that it will not impair its ability to be renewed is termed maximum sustainable yield. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
27 |  |  A lumber mill is an example of a tertiary industry. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
28 |  |  Plantation crops are generally cultivated for local consumption rather than export. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
29 |  |  Shifting cultivation is used in areas where leaching of the soil is common. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
30 |  |  The region of the world that received the greatest benefit from the Green Revolution was Africa. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
31 |  |  Agriculture is seen as man's work in most of the world. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
32 |  |  Trade in primary products benefits developing countries more than developed countries. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
33 |  |  Truck farms are found far from cities. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
34 |  |  Fordist modes of production have been replaced by just-in-time and flexible production. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |
35 |  |  Material orientation in manufacturing reflects a sizable weight loss during the production process. |
|  | A) | True. |
|  | B) | False. |