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Internet Exercises
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1. Go to Geohive at and select "25 largest agglomerations in the year 2003" to see a chart showing population size from 1975, 2003 and estimates for 2015.
    a. Which of the top 10 agglomerations increased their population by at least 50% from 1975 to 2003?
    b. Which of the top 10 agglomerations had much slower growth during the same period and what reasons might explain their smaller numbers?
    c. Which African city is expected to make the top 10 list by 2015? Why aren’t there more African agglomerations in the top 25?
    d. Which country had more than one city in the top 10 agglomerations in 2003? How might this affect that country’s domestic issues?
2. Using the Urban Indicators 1980-2025 data table from the World Resources Institute at, open the Urban Characteristics (City Level) table to answer the following question:
    a. What countries have the highest and lowest levels of informal employment?
3. Using the Urban Environment table, answer the following:
    a. What are the lowest numbers for floor space per person in the table and where are those cities located? How do these numbers compare to the United States and Canada?
    b.What cities have the lowest percentage of households connected to water and sewerage?
    c. What cities have the highest levels of solid waste generation?

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