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Internet Exercises
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    1. Experience GIS firsthand by going to the National Atlas at and follow instructions on how to make a map. Select the agriculture layer and map key to show total cropland in the United States. Answer the following:
    a. In which regions of the country are the highest acreage of cropland? Where is there very low acreage of cropland? What physical characteristics might contribute to these regional differences? (Hint: make a map showing annual precipitation under Climate layer and another showing shaded relief under Geology layer).
    b. Zoom in on your state. Describe the regional variations in cropland. How does your state compare with the entire country in terms of total cropland?
    c. Start over and turn on various layers of information to see the spatial distribution of other physical and cultural features of the United States.
If you live in Canada, use the Canadian Geographic Map Maker at and follow the instructions on creating maps with different information. Select the dominant land use layer to answer the following questions.
    a. In which provinces is wheat growing a dominant land use?
    b. In which provinces does productive forests dominate?
    c. Zoom in on your province. What are the principal land usages in the province where you live?
    d. Start over and turn on various layers of information to see the spatial distribution of other physical and cultural features of Canada.
2. Go to Maptech, Inc at and select "Online Maps." Enter the zipcode of your hometown, college town, or place you are familiar with. You may want to refer to the topographic symbols information in your textbook (Figure 2.11, page 46) to help identify features. Then answer the following:
    a. What is the elevation of the place you are looking at?
    b. At what scale can you most readily identify physical and cultural features?
    c. Make a list of the physical and cultural features that you see.
    d. Find a feature you are familiar with and place the cursor on it. What is its latitude and longitude?
3. Go to TerraServer at to view aerial photographs. Select a US city and answer the following questions.
    a. What types of physical and cultural features can you recognize?
    b. As you zoom in and out, identify one site and situation characteristic of the city you are looking at.

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