1. What kind of physical geography landforms can be found in your area? What processes might have created them?
2. Look at figures 3.5 and 3.7 in the text. What is the link between these three figures?
3. How do you think the construction of urban features such as roads, parking lots, buildings, and housing affects erosion by water? What other things do we do as a society that affects erosional or depositional processes?
4. Close your eyes and imagine you are walking up a glacial valley. As you stroll from the bottom to the top of the valley, what features might you see that were caused by the presence of a glacier? What might the valley have looked like before glaciation?
5. Should the government spend money to stop naturally occurring processes along our coasts? What are the pros and cons of a "hands-on" or "hands-off" approach to shoreline protection?
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