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Internet Exercises
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1. Consult the CIA World Factbook at to complete the following:
Print out the chart below. For each of the following countries, list its type of government and the number of international organizations to which the country belongs.

CountryType of Government# of International Organizations
Great Britain   
New Zealand   
South Africa   
United States  

2. Find examples of border conflicts at the Borderbase web site at Select 10 different countries and read about their international border conflicts. Record the name of the countries involved in the dispute in the appropriate column of the table below. Countries may have more than one border dispute, so record all that apply. You can focus in on one region of the world or select from around the world. Did you find that certain types of conflicts are more prevalent? Why do you think these types of disputes are more common?

Minority Group Identification Water-Related Disputes Resources Disputes Landlocked Disputes

Introduction to GeographyOnline Learning Center

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