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National Power and Diplomacy: The Traditional Approach
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Tangible elements of power include all of the following [except]
A)a state's size.
B)the number of weapons a state possesses.
C)public morale.
D)the size of the military.

The fact that India is less likely to use nuclear weapons against Sri Lanka than against Pakistan demonstrates that power is
A)relative to nuclear capability.
B)largely shaped by culture.
C)rarely coercive.

Despite formidable power, the U.S. military attack against Afghanistan after the September 11th attacks was only a limited success because
A)the United States lacked support from other international actors.
B)Afghanistan's tropical climate and dense vegetation made it difficult to attack using ground troops.
C)the rugged terrain and cold climate made it difficult for U.S. troops to penetrate the area.
D)the United States refused to engage in coercive diplomacy despite pressure from other international actors.

According to the text, computer capacity is a key element of a country's technological infrastructure. Of the following countries which one has the [lowest] level of computing capacity?
A)the United States

The role of the diplomat as an observer and reporter has
A)decreased as advanced technology has allowed greater information sharing among countries.
B)increased because advanced technology is limited in its ability to understand the human element.
C)remained constant.
D)fluctuated dramatically because it is only used during crisis situations.

The combination of international and national factors that influence diplomats' policy making is known as
A)interplay game theory.
B)two-level game theory.
C)diplomatic game theory.
D)diplomatic negotiation theory.

In which type of diplomacy is propaganda primarily used?
A)public diplomacy
B)hostile diplomacy
C)adversarial diplomacy
D)mediation diplomacy

Seeking common ground means that diplomats should
A)only discuss issues upon which they can agree.
B)find a geographically neutral location to meet so that one diplomat does not have an advantage over another.
C)not view their own country as completely virtuous but rather should seek commonalities among countries.
D)set realistic goals recognizing that there are always going to be cultural differences.

American students rank highest in educational achievement because of the amount of time spent on core subjects.

The importance of the ambassador as observer and reporter has increased over the past few decades owing to the threat of terrorism.

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