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International Economic Cooperation: The Alternative Road
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The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

The author discusses Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in this chapter. The concept of creating an international political economy based on free economic interchange and interdependence dates back to The Wealth of Nations. You can read Smith's work online at this site.

Regional Trade Organizations and Agreement

This is an interactive version of Table 16.1, found in chapter 16 of your textbook. Many of the organizations listed have sites on the Web and they can be reached by clicking on the highlighted link. If the link is not active, we could not find the organization on the Web (though it may be out there). If you know the URL for one of the missing links, please e-mail it to us.

European Union195815
Latin America Free Trade Association 196011
Central American Common Market 19615
Council on Arab Economic Unity196411
Central African Customs Union 19666
Association of Southeast Asian Nations 19677
Andean Group 19695
Caribbean Community and Common Market 197313
Economic Community of West African States 197516
Gulf Cooperation Council 19816
Economic Community of Central African States 198310
Arab Cooperation Council 19894
Arab Maghreb Union19895
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 198918
Southern Cone Common Market (Mercosur) 19916
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone 199211
North American Free Trade Agreement 19923
South African Development Community 199210
Free Trade Area of the Americas 199534

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

The author discusses the importance of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in this chapter of your textbook. This organization was founded in 1964 to address the needs of the LDCs. Information about this organization can be found at this site.

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