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Preserving and Enhancing Human Rights and Dignity
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Many Western countries have criticized the U.S. human rights record on the grounds that in the United States
A)abortion is legal.
B)capital punishment is used as a deterrent to crime.
C)drug trafficking remains relatively high.
D)child abuse has increased in recent years despite governmental efforts to stop it.

Over the past 30 years the number of executions in the United States has
A)decreased, as the international community has increasingly pressured the United States to abolish executions because they are a violation of human rights.
B)remained relatively stable, despite increasing pressure from the international community to abolish executions because they are a violation of human rights.
C)increased at the same rate as executions in other Western countries.
D)increased significantly, despite increasing pressure from the international community to abolish executions because they are a violation of human rights.

Critics have admonished some food aid agencies such as the FAO for
A)their failure to end world hunger despite spending billions of dollars for food aid.
B)focusing too much on short-term food aid rather than long-term agricultural growth.
C)focusing too much on long-term agricultural growth instead of meeting the short-term needs of malnourished populations.
D)their failure to spend enough money to address world hunger.

Which of the following factors limits the success of world food conferences?
A)the inability of conference organizers to raise enough money to organize annual conferences
B)lack of attendance by most heads of states from EDCs, which gives the impression that world hunger is not an issue of concern
C)the inability of conference organizers to make heads of states in LDCs want to end hunger in their region
D)the inability of conference attendees to agree upon a targeted date to reduce world hunger

Which of the following statements about education in LDCs is true?
A)The majority of individuals complete high school.
B)The majority of individuals remain illiterate and receive no schooling.
C)An increased number of individuals are literate but they still don't receive much formal education.
D)Educational standards in LDCs have become comparable to standards in EDCs.

Which group is still considered a minority because it lacks political and economic power, despite the fact that it constitutes fifty percent of the world's population?
C)immigrants and refugees
D)indigenous peoples

The use of ultrasound technology during pregnancy in India has
A)been banned due to religious concerns over its use.
B)resulted in increased abortions of female fetuses.
C)resulted in a greater percentage of full-term babies.
D)greatly reduced infant mortality.

A significant obstacle to increasing literacy rates in LDCs is
A)language barriers.
B)the number of children who must work to help support their families.
C)the lack of international support for education programs.
D)the lack of educated adults to encourage education.

Which country has yet to sign the treaty that resulted from the Convention on the Rights of Children on the grounds that it may prohibit criminals under the age of 18 from being executed?
D)the United States

Racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of hatred are on the decline in Europe.

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