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Preserving and Enhancing the Global Commons
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The largest number of humans that the Earth can sustain indefinitely at current rates of per capita consumption of natural resources is known as the Earth's
A)environmental capacity.
B)population limit.
C)sustainability index.
D)carrying capacity.

Women in LDCs have fewer opportunities to limit the number of children they have because they
A)are becoming more educated.
B)are required to bear children as a rite of passage in order to be viewed as an equal counterpart within male-dominated society.
C)are too busy working to attend birth control classes.
D)view children as an asset because they live in labor-intensive countries.

Why did President Bush prohibit the United States from making payments to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)?
A)President Bush felt that too much of the money donated was spent on administrative costs.
B)President Bush opposed the use of taxpayer funds to support abortions aimed at limiting population growth.
C)President Bush felt that population growth should be addressed within the domestic realm and not through IGOs.
D)President Bush opposed the expanded use of birth control as a means to limit population growth.

What is the primary mission of the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)?
A)to educate women about birth control methods
B)to advocate the use of safe and legal abortions as a means to curb population growth
C)to increase financial aid to women who agree not to have children
D)to provide women opportunities to enter historically male-dominated fields such as science and business

Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between energy and geographic location?
A)While energy consumption is greater in the North, the demand for energy is greater in the South.
B)While energy consumption is greater in the South, the demand for energy is greater in the North.
C)Energy consumption in the North approximates consumption in the South.
D)Energy consumption in both the North and South has decreased as the result of increased conservation efforts.

What is the primary goal of the Law of the Sea Treaty signed in 1994?
A)It gives fishers the freedom to fish in international waters without regulation.
B)It encourages conservation by giving countries full sovereignty to control fishing in the seas near their shores.
C)It encourages conservation by giving IGOs complete authority over oceans to regulate fishing.
D)It regulates the whaling industry to limit whale killing.

Which of the following statements regarding ground pollution is true?
A)Ground pollution is only a domestic concern since it is concentrated within geographic boundaries.
B)EDCs are responsible for ground pollution in LDCs because they annually ship millions of tons of hazardous waste to LDCs.
C)LDCs are responsible for ground pollution around the globe because they lack the appropriate treatment facilities to handle the waste.
D)Ground pollution has been greatly reduced globally as the result of strict international regulations that prohibit the transportation of hazardous waste.

Defoliation of trees in parts of Europe and North America is the result of
A)ozone depletion.
B)ground pollution.
C)acid rain.
D)global warming.

EDCs and LDCs contribute equally to the exponential population growth.

The majority of energy is consumed in the developing countries in the South.

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