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System-Level Analysis
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NGO Global Network
Nongovernmental Organizations are discussed often in this chapter. The purpose of this site is to provide information for NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) who are active at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, and to provide information for NGOs in the rest of the world who are interested in the activities of the UN NGOs.
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Nongovernmental Organizations
Amnesty International and Greenpeace are examples of NGOs. NGOs are discussed in your textbook. Click on the name of the organization to view their Web site.
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General Motors
Transnational corporations are discussed in this chapter. Figure 3.1 compares the gross corporate product of General Motors to the gross domestic product of selected countries.
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Global Policy Forum Home Page
The Global Policy Forum provides information on global social-economic policy and nongovernmental organizations. At this site, you will find information on transnational corporations and how they influence current global policy making. You also will find information on global environmental policy and global social issues.
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