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Individual-Level Analysis
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The primary reason that Carter administration officials allowed the mission to rescue U.S. hostages from Iran to continue, despite overwhelming evidence that the mission would fail, was because they
A)had enormous egos.
B)sought cognitive consistency and ignored important information.
C)had active-negative personalities.
D)had become collectively frustrated.

Frustration-aggression theory states that
A)collectively aggressive societies sometimes become frustrated.
B)frustrated societies sometimes become collectively aggressive.
C)both frustrated societies and aggressive societies often become isolationist.
D)the elimination of government corruption would lower levels of frustration and aggression.

According to frustration-aggression theory, German aggression in World War II can be ascribed best to
A)Adolf Hitler, who had an aggressive personality.
B)the frustration of the Allies at having to fight against Germany so soon after World War I.
C)mass frustration in Germany resulting from having lost World War I and being humiliated in the peace settlement.
D)Germany's frustration at having Hitler for a leader.

Although President Bush maintains that the Arab world hates the United States because of our "freedoms," some analysts caution that Muslim hatred stems from
A)U.S. lack of tolerance for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
B)the Arab world's perception of the United States as ruthless, arrogant, and conceited.
C)U.S. determination to remain neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
D)the Arab world's frustration over failed attempts at democracy.

Osama bin Laden has waged war against the United States for all of the following reasons except
A)the belief that the United States is a ruthless and arrogant nation.
B)the belief that Muslims are being oppressed by the United States.
C)U.S. apathy toward Muslim poverty.
D)U.S. support of Palestinians.

Groupthink creates an atmosphere in which
A)discordant information is ignored.
B)all policy options are explored.
C)constructive criticism is welcomed.
D)consensus is difficult to achieve.

Which of James David Barber's presidential personality types do scholars believe is best for a president?

Because of his personal experiences in Vietnam General Colin Powell believes that military force
A)must always be used to solve international conflict.
B)should only be used after careful deliberation and with great caution.
C)should never be used to solve international conflict.
D)should only be used to solve conflict when there is full allied support for the effort.

Groupthink usually leads to optimal foreign policy.

During the cold war, the United States perceived the Soviets to be poorly organized and undisciplined.

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