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Transnationalism: The Alternative Orientation
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The CIA Fact Book
The author discusses transnational economics in Chapter 7. Global economic interdependence is one of the reasons that transnationalism is occurring. This link will take you to the CIA Fact Book. The CIA has compiled economic information about most countries in the world. This is a valuable resource when researching the global economy and transnational interactions.
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As the author discusses in this chapter, transnational transportation carries our products and even our physical selves at tremendous speeds. This Web site, developed at San Jose State University, provides links and information about international transportation agencies and organizations.
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The Feminist Majority Foundation Online
The author discusses transnational feminism in great detail, starting chapter 7 of your textbook. Gender has become an important transnational issue. This Web site addresses many of the issues discussed in your book, including reproductive rights and the UN Fourth World Conference on Women.
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The US State Department
The U.S. State Department tracks human rights violations throughout the world. Many of these violations can be attributed to religious differences. For example, the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina is directly attributable to the religious differences between the Croats, Bosnians, and Serbs (in your textbook). Information regarding this conflict can be found on the U.S. State Department Web site.
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Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
Additional information regarding transnational issues can be found at the Kennedy School of Government's Web site at Harvard University. This is an excellent all-around Web site for international relations.
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David Gergen Interview with Samuel P. Huntington
David Gergen, editor at large of U.S. News & World Report, interviews Samuel Huntington, professor of international relations at Harvard University, and author of The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Dr. Huntington's book is discussed in Chapter 7, under the heading The Culture of Jihad.
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