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Visit the following Web sites for some insight into the world of finance:

The potential for volatility in international finance markets and its impact on each and everyone of us can be seen by surfing to almost any finance site on the Web. Each provides us with a snapshot of what is happening in the global world of finance on any given day and also describes the trends that are apparent in the recent past. Take some time to investigate the sites listed above and to evaluate what impact the reported events and trends have on your daily life. Answer the following questions in the space provided. Your answers can be submitted to your professor if she or he requests it:


Do you have any stocks or mutual funds of your own? How are they doing today in the market? What have they done over the past year in the market? How do you feel about the immediate future of the stock market? Will you continue to invest?


Which investments seem to be providing the best return currently? Do you think this trend will continue? Why or why not?


What World Bank funds are currently being provided to Afghanistan for Reconstruction? Describe two specific plans either being implemented, or projected to be implemented in the near future. What is the projected cost in U.S. dollars? What impact might this funding have on your financial future? Your tuition costs? Loan interest? Taxes?

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