The Physics of Everyday Phenomena: A Conceptual Introduction to Physics, 5/e
Thomas Griffith,
Pacific University
ISBN: 0072828625 Copyright year: 2007
Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM
The cross-platform CD-ROM contains the Test Bank and the Instructor's Manual (with answers to the end-of-chapter questions and exercises) in both Word and PDF formats. The Test Bank questions are also found in a computerized Test Bank. McGraw-Hill's EZ Test is a flexible and easy-to-use electronic testing program. The program allows instructors to create tests from book-specific items. It accommodates a wide range of question types, and instructors may add their own questions. Multiple versions of the test can be created, and any test can be exported for use with course management systems such as WebCT, BlackBoard, or PageOut. EZ Test Online is a new service that provides a place to easily administer EZ Test–created exams and quizzes online. The program is available for Windows and Macintosh environments. Also located on the Instructor's Testing and Resources CD-ROM are personal response system questions in a CPS eInstruction database and as PowerPoint files.
Classroom Performance System
The Classroom Performance System (CPS) by eInstruction brings interactivity into the classroom or lecture hall. It is a wireless response system that gives the instructor and students immediate feedback from the entire class. The wireless response pads are essentially remotes that are easy to use and engage students. CPS allows instructors to motivate student preparation, interactivity, and active learning. Instructors receive immediate feedback to gauge which concepts students understand. Questions covering the content of The Physics of Everyday Phenomena text and formatted for CPS eInstruction and PowerPoint are available on the Online Learning Center and the Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM.
Digital Content Manager CD
Electronic art at your fingertips! This cross-platform DVD/CD-ROM provides instructors with visuals from the text in multiple formats. Instructors can easily create customized classroom presentations, visually-based tests and quizzes, dynamic content for a course website, or attractive printed support materials. Available on the DVD or CD are the following resources in digital formats. These items have also been placed into PowerPoint files for ease of use:
Art and Photo Library: Full-color digital files of all of the illustrations and many of the photos in the text can be readily incorporated into lecture presentations, exams, or custom-made classroom materials.
Animations Library: Files of animations and videos covering the many topics in The Physics of Everyday Phenomena are included so that they may be easily used in a lecture or classroom setting.
Lecture Outlines: Lecture notes, incorporating illustrations and animated images, have been written for the fifth edition text. They are provided in PowerPoint format so that instructors may use these lectures as written or customize them to fit their lecture.
Online Learning Center (OLC)
The OLC is a text-specific website that provides students with useful study tools designed to help improve their understanding of the material presented in the text and class. For the instructor, the OLC is designed to help ease the time burdens of the course by providing valuable presentation and preparation tools.
For Students
Student Study Guide Integration
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.