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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Frames of Reference

Janet Theresa Marquardt-Cherry, Eastern Illinois University
Stephen Eskilson, Eastern Illinois University

ISBN: 0072829486
Copyright year: 2004

Table of Contents



1. The Earth as Art

      Mounds and Henges
                Neolithic Britain
                North America
                                Celestial Orientation in Mesoamerica
                                The Ziggurat
      Modern Earthworks
                                Excerpt from Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 1819
      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

2. Representations of the Gods

                                Gods and Myths
                                Herodotus and the Ideal Citizen
                                Marble versus Bronze

      Christian Europe
                                Fresco versus Mosaic

      Hindu India
                                Siva and Ganesha

      Buddhist India and East Asia
                                The Buddha

      Aztec Mexico
                                Under the Great Temple in Mexico City

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

3. The Art of Rulers

      The Middle East

                Ancient Egypt
                                The Most Famous Tomb in the World
                Sub-Saharan Africa

      The West
                Roman and Byzantine Empires
                                Equestrian Statues
                                Ottoman Tributes to Justinian's Achievement
                                Divine Approval
                Western Europe in the Middle Ages

      Southeast Asia

      Monuments to Power

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

4. Pilgrimage

      Greek Shrines of Antiquity
                                The Persian War

      Christian Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages
                The Holy Land
                                Taking Ship
                                Pagan Origins for Christian Symbols
                                Romanesque Churches
                                The Gothic Style
                                Our Lady of Guadalupe
                                Modern Versions of Medieval Piety

      Islamic Pilgrimage

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

5. Patrons and the Role of the Artist


      Chinese Painting
                Northern Song
                                Chinese Painting Formats
                                Writing on Art (Literally)
                Southern Song
                The Ming Dynasty: Revival and Breakdown of Tradition

      The Italian Renaissance
                                The Greco-Roman Classical Tradition
                Renaissance Florence
                                Intellectual Trends: Humanism and Neo-Platonism
                                Alberti and Fifteenth-Century Painting
                                Florence's Two Davids
                                Leonardo da Vinci
                                Disputes over the Restoration of Leonardo's Last Supper
                Rome: Julius II and Leo X
                Titian in Venice
                Giorgio Vasari and Grand Duke Cosimo I

      New Ireland

      Two Patrons: Akbar and Louis XIV
                Louis XIV

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

6. Art and Collecting

      Commissioning Illuminated Manuscripts

      Netherlandish Collections

      The Grand Tour
                                Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History

      The American Nouveau-Riche
                                American Loot and the Invention of the Ethnographic Museum

      Spoils of War
                                The First National Museum
                                Hiding the Louvre
                                African Artifacts and Souvenirs

      Cross-influences in collecting: Japan and France
                                Emile Zola

      Modern Collections

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

7. Art and Revolution in the Modern World (1760–1960)

      The French Revolution
                                The Social Contract
                                Spain: Francisco de Goya
                                England and the Grand Manner

      The American Revolution

      Ongoing Revolution: France in the Nineteenth Century
                                Political Strife in the 1830s
                                The Fall of the French Monarchy, 1848
                                Renewal and Destruction, 1851-74
                                The Industrial Revolution in France and the Rise of the Poster




      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

8. Utopia and Dystopia

      French Art after Impressionism
                                Two Visionary Thinkers: Charles Darwin and Karl Marx

      Paris in the Early Twentieth Century
                                Paris: Capital of the Art World
                                The Universal Exposition (1900) and the Trocadéro Museum in Paris

      German Expressionism
                                Le Corbusier and the Classical Future

      Italian Futurism

      The United States: Color and the Future

      Dystopian Visions in Germany after World War I
                                Fritz Lang

      Counterpoint: Utopian Visions in Germany After World War I
                                Women at the Bauhaus

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

9. Art, the Spirit World and the Inner Mind

      Aboriginal Art

      Yoruban Art
                                Frobenius and the Ife Heads

      Native American Art

      Sigmund Freud and Expressionism

      World War I and Dada

                                Shell Shock
                                Breton and Surrealism in Mexico

      Degenerate Art

      Postwar Abstraction
                                The Irascibles

      European Postwar Art and the Mind

      Pop Art: Rejecting the Inner Mind

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

10. Identity in Contemporary Art

      Early Feminism
                                Sex versus Gender
                                Performance Art
                                Feminist Art History

      The Second Wave of Feminist Art
                                Conceptual Art
                                Male Superstars of the 1980s

      Black Identity
                                African-American Quilts
                                African-American Art History

      Postcolonial Identity in Asian, Africa and the West Indies
                Indian and Pakistani Artists
                Nigerian and South African Artists
                West Indian Artists

      Multicultural Art in the United States
                                1990: Culture Wars in the USA
                                Native American Artifacts

      Further Reading, Source References, Discussion Topics

Elements and Approaches to Art History
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