1 | | The first reasonable evidence for life on earth dates from approximately 3.5 billion years ago. These first cells were… |
| | A) | Synctial multicellular eukaryotes |
| | B) | Prokaryotic, bacteria-like organisms |
| | C) | Cnidarians |
| | D) | Poriferans |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
2 | | The origin of the first single-cell eukaryotes probably came about through a process called symbiogenesis whereby one prokaryote engulfed but did not ingest another. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
3 | | Protozoa are a diverse assemblage of unicellular organisms with puzzling affinities. They are distinctly animal-like in several respects: |
| | A) | They lack a cell wall. |
| | B) | Most have at least one motile stage (e.g., flagella, cilia) at some stage of their life cycles. |
| | C) | Although a few are photosynthetic, most typically ingest their food. |
| | D) | All of the above are correct. |
| | E) | None of the above is correct. |
4 | | Which of the following is true about the Protozoa? |
| | A) | They are extremely diverse in terms of form and morphology. |
| | B) | They are not monophyletic. |
| | C) | Most species exhibit intracellular specialization. |
| | D) | Some of them exhibit the simplest example of division of labor between cells. |
| | E) | All of the above are correct. |
5 | | The axoneme of flagella and cilia (also called undulipodia) contains 9 pairs of longitudinal microtubules arranged in a circle around 2 central microtubules in the classic 9 + 2 microtubule pattern. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
6 | | The large pseudopodia known as lobopodia contain both endoplasm and ectoplasm and may be used for locomotion? |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
7 | | Water enters into an ameba's body by osmosis and excess water is removed by the rhythmic filling and emptying of the… |
| | A) | Gonagia |
| | B) | Contractile vacuoles |
| | C) | Reticulopodia |
| | D) | Centrioles |
| | E) | Macronucleus |
8 | | Which of the following is NOT a description for how food is obtained or made by the Protozoa? |
| | A) | Phagotrophs |
| | B) | Saprozoic |
| | C) | Photosynthetic |
| | D) | Holozoic |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
9 | | Sexual reproduction in Ciliophora typically involves which process? |
| | A) | Gametic meiosis |
| | B) | Sporogony |
| | C) | Schizogony |
| | D) | Budding |
| | E) | Multiple fission |
10 | | The Phylum Chlorophyta includes both single-celled algae and colonial forms. Volvox is an example. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
11 | | Which of the following can be associated with the genus Euglena? |
| | A) | Flagella |
| | B) | Pellicle |
| | C) | Contractile vacuole |
| | D) | Stigma or eyespot |
| | E) | All of the above are characteristics of the genus Euglena |
12 | | Asexual reproduction in Volvox occurs in late spring and summer when specialized diploid reproductive cells divide to form young colonies that remain in the mother colony until they are large enough to escape. Sexual reproduction occurs largely in autumn when haploid sex cells develop as environmental conditions worsen. The fertilized ova may encyst and survive the winter. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
13 | | Which of the following protozoan group does NOT cause disease in humans? |
| | A) | Giardia lamblia |
| | B) | Trypanosoma brucei gambiense |
| | C) | Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense |
| | D) | Trichomonas vaginalis |
| | E) | All of the above cause human disease |
14 | | Which of the following produce(s) distinctive tests or elaborate exoskeletons? |
| | A) | Difflugia |
| | B) | Arcella |
| | C) | Radiolarians |
| | D) | Foraminiferans |
| | E) | All of the above produce tests |
15 | | Members of the Phylum Ciliophora are the most structurally complex and diversely specialized of all the Protozoa. Which of the following genera is NOT a ciliate? |
| | A) | Vorticella |
| | B) | Stentor |
| | C) | Didinium |
| | D) | Paramecium |
| | E) | Ameba |
16 | | Which of the following is involved in the discharge of fecal material in ciliates? |
| | A) | Contractile vacuoles and radiating canals |
| | B) | Macronuclei |
| | C) | Micronuclei |
| | D) | Trichocysts |
| | E) | Cytoprocts |
17 | | The sliding microtubule hypothesis explains… |
| | A) | Kinetosome structure |
| | B) | Pseudopodal action |
| | C) | Endosymbiosis |
| | D) | Ciliary and flagellar action |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
18 | | A dormant form in the life cycle of a protozoan is called a… |
| | A) | Sporozoite |
| | B) | Gamete |
| | C) | Cyst |
| | D) | Merozoite |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
19 | | The agents of red tide, which actually may be red, brown, yellow, or even colorless, are the… |
| | A) | Dinoflagellates |
| | B) | Radiolarians |
| | C) | Foraminiferans |
| | D) | Ciliophorans |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
20 | | African sleeping sickness and Chagas Disease are both caused by protozoa in the genus… |
| | A) | Noctiluca |
| | B) | Plasmodium |
| | C) | Toxoplasm |
| | D) | Trypanosoma |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
21 | | Some of the oldest known fossils of eukaryotic organisms that have been identified are members of the group called… |
| | A) | Difflugians |
| | B) | Radiolarians |
| | C) | Arcellians |
| | D) | Dinoflagellates |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
22 | | The arrangement of microtubules within a flagella is similar to the internal structure of another organelle, the mitochondrion. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
23 | | Mental retardation of a child can be caused by infection of its mother by which of the following protozoans while changing a cat litter box when pregnant? |
| | A) | Noctiluca |
| | B) | Plasmodium |
| | C) | Toxoplasma |
| | D) | Trypanosoma |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
24 | | The agents of malaria, which kills one million people each year, are all in the genus… |
| | A) | Noctiluca |
| | B) | Plasmodium |
| | C) | Toxoplasma |
| | D) | Trypanosoma |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
25 | | Some reticulopods make a protective shell or test. Those that construct this shell of calcium carbonate are the… |
| | A) | Dinoflagellates |
| | B) | Radiolarians |
| | C) | Foraminiferans |
| | D) | Ciliophorans |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
26 | | The protozoan agent causing amoebic dysentery is… |
| | A) | Plasmodium vivax |
| | B) | Plasmodium ovale |
| | C) | Toxoplasma gondii |
| | D) | Entamoeba histolytica |
| | E) | Trypanosoma brucei |
27 | | The members of the Phylum Apicomplexa generally share two features: |
| | A) | Flagella and cyst formation |
| | B) | An apical complex and endoparasitism |
| | C) | Endoparasitism and flagella |
| | D) | Cyst formation and an apical complex |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
28 | | Paramecium reproduce by binary fission across kinetics but can have certain forms of sexual phenomenon called: |
| | A) | Conjugation and autogamy |
| | B) | Sporogony and fission |
| | C) | Autogamy and sporogony |
| | D) | Fission and conjugation |
| | E) | Binary fission and fission |
29 | | Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual reproduction used by protists? |
| | A) | Fission |
| | B) | Budding |
| | C) | Conjugation |
| | D) | Schizogony |
| | E) | All of the above are used for asexual reproduction |
30 | | Foraminiferans are of great practical importance because they are responsible for many limestone and chalk deposits. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
31 | | Toxoplasmosis typically does not cause disease symptoms in healthy humans, but may pose a threat to HIV–infected persons and pregnant women. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
32 | | If a protozoan produces gametes that are morphologically similar, they are called anisogametes. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
33 | | The infective stage in the life cycle of an apicomplexan is the… |
| | A) | Oocyst |
| | B) | Sporocyst |
| | C) | Merozoite |
| | D) | Trophozoite |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
34 | | Members of of the Phylum Retortamonada lack … |
| | A) | A nucleus |
| | B) | Mitochondria |
| | C) | A phagosome |
| | D) | Contractile vacuoles |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
35 | | Based on molecular and morphological evidence, the Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, and Dinoflagellata are often grouped together in the clade: |
| | A) | Merozoida |
| | B) | Sporozoida |
| | C) | Alveolata |
| | D) | Spongillata |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |