1 | | Some descendants of Precambrian acoelomate organisms evolved a more elegant arrangement for a body cavity: a fluid-filled space within the mesoderm, called the coelom. A true coelom means that the space was lined with mesoderm and that mesodermal membranes, the mesenteries, suspended the organs. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
2 | | Which of the following is NOT true about the Mollusca? |
| | A) | They are all protostomes |
| | B) | They all have an open circulatory system |
| | C) | They all have a muscular foot or modified foot of tentacles and arms |
| | D) | They all have a mantle |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
3 | | The uniquely derived rasping tongue of the Mollusca is called the… |
| | A) | Radula |
| | B) | Odontophore |
| | C) | Mastax |
| | D) | Buccal cavity |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
4 | | Which of the following is found in the shell secreted by the mantle of a mollusc? |
| | A) | Periostracum (outer organic layer, composed of conchiolin) |
| | B) | Prismatic layer (prisms of calcium carbonate in a protein matrix) |
| | C) | Nacreous layer (continuously secreted by the mantle) |
| | D) | All of the above are found in mollusc shells |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
5 | | Which of the following is NOT a class of the Phylum Mollusca? |
| | A) | Monoplacophora |
| | B) | Polyplacophora |
| | C) | Scaphopoda |
| | D) | Gastropoda |
| | E) | Entoprocta |
6 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Gastropodasnails, slugs, sea hares, etc. |
| | B) | Bivalvesclams, mussels, etc. |
| | C) | Scaphopodachitons |
| | D) | Cephalopodahead-foot |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
7 | | Of all the Mollusca, only gastropods undergo torsion. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
8 | | Where would you place a creature that has the following characters: can burrow in sediment; moves by means of clapping two valves together, lacks a radula; eyes with a retina; shell with an umbo? |
| | A) | Bivalvia |
| | B) | Pulmonata |
| | C) | Gastropoda |
| | D) | Amphineura |
| | E) | Polyplacophora |
9 | | The coelom of Mollusca is reduced to a partial coelom around the gonads, the kidneys, and the heart (the pericardial membrane). |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
10 | | The ctenidium is the molluscan….. |
| | A) | Circulatory system |
| | B) | Excretory system |
| | C) | Mantle |
| | D) | Gill |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
11 | | A potentially disastrous ecological event occurred when ____________were introduced into the Great Lakes. |
| | A) | Leeches |
| | B) | Boring clams |
| | C) | Zebra mussels |
| | D) | Shipworms |
| | E) | Jumbo Umbo clams |
12 | | The cephalopods are renowned for their amazing invertebrate intelligence. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
13 | | Octopods are capable of observational learning by observing one another. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
14 | | In the squids, most of the shell has disappeared, leaving only a thin, horny strip called the pencil. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
15 | | Diversity among mollusks is related to their adaptations to different habitats and modes of life. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
16 | | There is both embryological and molecular evidence that the Mollusca share a common ancestor with the annelids, even though there is debate as to where mollusks arose within the lophotrochozoa. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
17 | | The Mollusca range in size from almost microscopic to the giant squid Architeuthis with a body and tentacle length nearly 100 meters in length. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
18 | | Which of the following are suitable habitats for members of the Mollusca? |
| | A) | Terrestrial |
| | B) | Freshwater |
| | C) | Marine |
| | D) | Estuary |
| | E) | All of the above are suitable for some members of the Mollusca |
19 | | Which of the following is NOT correct? |
| | A) | The Mollusca have metanephridia for a circulatory system |
| | B) | Molluscan larvae are primitively a trochophore, but many have a veliger larvae and some have direct development |
| | C) | The molluscan coelom is reduced |
| | D) | The cephalopods have the most highly developed molluscan sensory organs |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
20 | | Cephalopods swim by forcefully expelling water from the mantle cavity through a ventral funnel, like jet propulsion. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
21 | | Which of the following is NOT correct? |
| | A) | Members of the Class Caudofoveata are wormlike, marine organisms, mostly burrowers. |
| | B) | Members of the Class Solenogastres are marine, wormlike, shell-less molluscs with calcareous scales or spicules in their integument |
| | C) | Members of the Class Monoplacophora are all extinct |
| | D) | Members of the Class Polyplacophora are called chitons; they are dorsoventrally flattened and have eight articulating limy plates |
| | E) | The mantle of scaphopods is wrapped around the viscera to form a tube. |
22 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Operculuman opening in the shell of a gastropod |
| | B) | Torsiona phenomenon that moves the mantle cavity and twists the visceral organs |
| | C) | Coilinga spiral winding of the shell and visceral mass, different from torsion |
| | D) | Conotoxinsa venom with peptides specific for the neuroreceptors of its preferred prey |
| | E) | Ctenidiumcarries out respiration activities in many gastropods |
23 | | Pulmonate snails have a highly vascularized area in the intestines that serves as a lung. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
24 | | Which of the following is among the ecologically most jeopardized groups of molluscs in this country? |
| | A) | Squid |
| | B) | Terrestrial gastropods |
| | C) | Freshwater bivalves |
| | D) | Opisthobranchs |
| | E) | Zebra mussels |
25 | | In most freshwater clams fertilization is internal and the fertilized eggs develop into glochidia. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
26 | | The early nautiloid and ammonoid shells were heavy but made buoyant by a series of gas chambers connected by a cord of living tissue called a… |
| | A) | Carbuncle |
| | B) | Siphuncle |
| | C) | Nephridium |
| | D) | Funnel |
| | E) | Branchial nerve cord |
27 | | An ink sac that empties into the rectum of many cephalopods contains an ink gland that secretes sepia, a dark fluid containing the pigment melanin. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |