1 | | Members of the paraphyletic class Reptilia include the first truly terrestrial vertebrates, but according to cladists this group should also include the… |
| | A) | Amphibians |
| | B) | Mammals |
| | C) | Birds |
| | D) | Annelids |
| | E) | Arthropods |
2 | | Which of the following first appeared in the Reptilia? |
| | A) | Waterproof skin |
| | B) | Waterproof egg |
| | C) | Amniotic egg |
| | D) | Keratinized skin |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
3 | | Reptiles are a paraphyletic group because they do not include all descendants of their most recent common ancestor. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
4 | | What is the name of the specialized sensory organ found in snakes? |
| | A) | Herpolsheimers organ |
| | B) | Van Andels organ |
| | C) | Steketees organ |
| | D) | Bissells organ |
| | E) | Jacobsons organ |
5 | | Reptiles and birds share several derived characters, including several skull characteristics and a largely aglandular skin with a special type of harder keratin called beta keratin. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
6 | | Dinosaurs are classified in the… |
| | A) | Anapsida |
| | B) | Diapsida |
| | C) | Triapsida |
| | D) | Synapsida |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
7 | | What are the closest living relatives to the archosaurs? |
| | A) | Crocodilians and birds |
| | B) | Serpentes and Caecilians |
| | C) | Monotremes |
| | D) | Therapsids |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
8 | | The dermis of many reptiles is provided with: |
| | A) | Semaphores |
| | B) | Spermatophores |
| | C) | Chromatophores |
| | D) | Iridiophores |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
9 | | Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Reptilia? |
| | A) | Skull with one occipital condyle |
| | B) | Paired metanephric kidneys |
| | C) | 12 pairs of cranial nerves |
| | D) | External fertilization |
| | E) | No aquatic larval stages |
10 | | Which of the following groups is most closely related to birds, at least in the cladistic sense? |
| | A) | Crocodiles |
| | B) | Mammals |
| | C) | Anapsids |
| | D) | Pelycosaurs |
| | E) | Plesiosaurs |
11 | | The circulatory system of reptiles is functionally divided into pulmonary and systemic circuits. In crocodilians there is a sinus venosus, two atria, but a ventricle that is not completely divided into two chambers. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
12 | | The amniotic egg of reptiles permits rapid development of large young in relatively dry environments. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
13 | | Which of the following applies to the Reptilia? |
| | A) | A shelled (amniotic) egg |
| | B) | Efficient jaws designed for crushing and gripping |
| | C) | Various forms of copulatory organs, permitting internal fertilization |
| | D) | A variety of water conservation strategies |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
14 | | Reptilian lungs are better developed than those of amphibians. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
15 | | All reptiles, except limbless members, have better body support than amphibians and more efficiently designed limbs for travel in the water. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
16 | | Which of the following is NOT correct? |
| | A) | Anapsidaturtles |
| | B) | Diapsidasauropterygians and ichthyosaurs |
| | C) | Amphisbaenianslegless lizards |
| | D) | Crocodilianstwo-chambered heart |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
17 | | Which of the following is a type of movement exhibited by snakes? |
| | A) | Concertina movement |
| | B) | Rectilinear movement |
| | C) | Sidewinding movement |
| | D) | Lateral undulation |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
18 | | Which of the following is NOT correct? |
| | A) | Turtles descended from one of the earliest anapsid lineages |
| | B) | Turtles are enclosed in a dorsal carapace and ventral plastron |
| | C) | A turtle cannot expand its chest to breathe |
| | D) | Many aquatic turtles obtain enough oxygen by pumping water in and out of a vascularized mouth cavity, which allows them to remain submerged for long periods of time |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
19 | | All turtles are oviparous. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
20 | | Unique among vertebrates, turtle limbs and limb girdles are located inside the ribs. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
21 | | Which of the following strategies is very successful in ecosystems with low productivity and warm climates, such as tropical deserts and grasslands. |
| | A) | Endothermy |
| | B) | Ectothermy |
| | C) | Muscular thermogenesis |
| | D) | Bipedalism |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
22 | | Which of the following was one of the earliest dinosaurs of the Late Triassic? |
| | A) | Allosaurus |
| | B) | Herrerasaurus |
| | C) | Brachiosaurus |
| | D) | Tyrannosaurus |
| | E) | Velociraptor |
23 | | The two great lineages of dinosaurs are the Ornithischia and the Saurischia. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
24 | | One of the most ancient groups of Reptilia is represented by the Order ___________, which is now represented by the genus Sphenodon, the members of which still possesses a third or pineal eye. |
| | A) | Crocodilia |
| | B) | Sphenodonta |
| | C) | Oviparia |
| | D) | Serpentes |
| | E) | Thecodontia |
25 | | Dinosaurs likely had considerably more complex parental care than most other reptilian groups. This would make sense, because even today, two living groups, birds and crocodilians, are members of the clade Archosauria in which extensive parental care is the norm. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
26 | | Which of the following groups was a survivor of the Mesozoic Era to the Recent, in particular the mass extinction that occurred at the CT boundary, probably due to the impact of an extraterrestrial body? |
| | A) | The Rolling Stones |
| | B) | Crocodilia |
| | C) | Hominoidea |
| | D) | Plesiosaurs |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
27 | | Less than 20 percent of all snakes are venomous, although venomous species outnumber nonvenomous species by four-to-one in Australia. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
28 | | Every year in the United States over 8,000 snakebites are recorded with over 1,000 deaths. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
29 | | Which of the following improvements in jaw design gave the reptiles an advantage over the amphibians? |
| | A) | Jaws producing greater static force |
| | B) | More muscular jaws |
| | C) | Jaws that were arranged for better mechanical leverage |
| | D) | All of the above are correct |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
30 | | A skull having no temporal opening behind the orbits characterizes the synapsids. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
31 | | The archosaurs comprise dinosaurs and their relatives, as well as living crocodilians and birds. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
32 | | Even the saliva of harmless snakes possesses limited toxic qualities, and it is logical that there was a natural selection for this toxic tendency as snakes evolved. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
33 | | Which of the following is NOT a correct statement? |
| | A) | The modern crocodilians are the only surviving reptiles of the archosaurian lineage that gave rise to the great Mesozoic radiation of dinosaurs, including the birds |
| | B) | All crocodilians have an elongate, robust, well-reinforced skull and massive jaw musculature. |
| | C) | Crocodiles have teeth set in sockets, a type of dentition called thecodont that was typical of archosaurs as well as the earliest birds |
| | D) | Crocodiles are not known for any significant parental care |
| | E) | Crocodile egg incubation temperature determines the sex ratio of the offspring. |