1 | | In the first half of the twentieth century it was discovered that tissue transplanted from one salamander embryo into another could induce development of a complete organ, such as an eyeball, at the site of the transplant. This phenomenon is called |
| | A) | Translocation |
| | B) | Embryonic development |
| | C) | Embryogenesis |
| | D) | Spemann organization |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
2 | | The concept of preformation remains a valid scientific concept. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
3 | | The concept of epigenesis is that a fertilized egg contains building material only. This is an early version of current ideas of development in that current ideas are essentially epigenetic in concept. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
4 | | The two basic processes that are responsible for progressive subdivision are cytoplasmic localization and cytokinesis. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
5 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Fertilizationunion of male and female gametes |
| | B) | Zygotethe product of fertilization |
| | C) | Morphogenetic determinantsdirect activation and repression of specific genes later in postfertilization development |
| | D) | Germinal vesiclethe nucleus becomes filled with active DNA |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
6 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Fertilization conewhere the sperm head is drawn into the egg vitelline envelope |
| | B) | Polyspermyentrance of multiple sperm in an egg |
| | C) | Fast blockelectrical potential change in the egg membrane |
| | D) | Fertilization membranethe hardened vitelline envelope |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
7 | | Fertilization involves the fusion of sperm and egg pronucleus. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
8 | | An animal-vegetal axis is visible on the embryo establishing polarity in the embryo. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
9 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Isolecithallittle yolk, evenly distributed in the egg |
| | B) | Holoblasticcleavage furrow extends completely through the egg |
| | C) | Mesolecithallarge amount of yolk in the animal pole |
| | D) | Animal polecontains mostly cytoplasm and very little yolk |
| | E) | All of the above are correct. |
10 | | Indirect development usually refers to the fact that there is a larval stage during metamorphosis, during which young in various larval stages are capable of feeding themselves. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
11 | | Direct development typically involves the development of a placental attachment to the mother through which nourishment can pass to the embryo. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
12 | | The amount of yolk is related not only to cleavage pattern, but also to whether a larval stage occurs during development. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
13 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Radial cleavagecells are arranged in radial symmetry around the animal-vegetal axis |
| | B) | Blastomeresthe cluster of small cells that result from cleavage in early development |
| | C) | Spiral cleavageblastomeres cleave obliquely to the animal-vegetal axis |
| | D) | Trophoblastforms the embryonic portion of the placenta when the embryo implants in the uterine wall |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
14 | | Cleavage typically results in the formation of a hollow cluster of cells called a… |
| | A) | Gastrula |
| | B) | Morula |
| | C) | Blastula |
| | D) | Amphiblastula |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
15 | | In frogs, deuterostomes with radial cleavage, morphogenetic movements of gastrulation are greatly influenced by the mass of inert yolk in the vegetal half of the embryo. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
16 | | The primitive streak is a thickening of the blastoderm and the front end of the embryo that migrates forward. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
17 | | Gastrulation in mammals is remarkably similar to gastrulation in reptiles and birds. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
18 | | In sea anemones and comb jellies, only two germ layers are formed, endoderm and ectoderm, and these animals are said to be… |
| | A) | Triploblastic |
| | B) | Coelomic |
| | C) | Diploblastic |
| | D) | Monoblastic |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
19 | | Which of the following terms has to do with the formation of a coelom? |
| | A) | Schizocoely |
| | B) | Enterocoely |
| | C) | The Roux-Weismann hypothesis |
| | D) | A and B are correct |
| | E) | A, B, and C are correct |
20 | | In one of the most famous cloned mammals, Dolly the sheep, the genetic material of her cells was descended from the mammary glands of a six-year-old ewe. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
21 | | Two basic types of development are mosaic development and regulative development. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
22 | | Which of the following statements is NOT correct? |
| | A) | Induction is the capacity of some cells to evoke a specific developmental response in others |
| | B) | Only grafts from the dorsal lip of a blastopore were capable of inducing the formation of a complete or nearly complete secondary embryo |
| | C) | The inductive event of the primary organizer is called the omega induction |
| | D) | Cells that have differentiated act as inductors for adjacent undifferentiated cells |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
23 | | In Drosophila the anteroposterior axis is determined even before an egg is fertilized. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
24 | | One of the most exciting discoveries in development genetics has been that the developmental genes of vertebrates and many other animals are similar to those of Drosophila. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
25 | | Mutations in Pitx2 in frogs, chicks, and mice, can result in the heart and stomach being on the right side instead of the left side. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
26 | | Which of the following are involved in the number and orientation of segments in animals? |
| | A) | Diploid genes |
| | B) | Gap genes |
| | C) | Pair-rule genes |
| | D) | Segment-polarity genes |
| | E) | B, C, and D are correct |
27 | | Segmentation genes appear to regulate expression of other genes, ensuring that they are active only in appropriate segments. Such segment-specific genes are called homeotic genes, and mutations in these genes are called homeotic mutations. What happens when these mutations are expressed? |
| | A) | The formation of several heads |
| | B) | The formation of appendages or other structures in the wrong part of the body |
| | C) | The formation of sex genes |
| | D) | The formation of homeoboxes |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
28 | | Genes similar to HOM genes of Drosophila are now known to occur in other insects, as well as… |
| | A) | Chordates |
| | B) | Unsegmented animals |
| | C) | Plants |
| | D) | Yeasts |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
29 | | Researchers in London have found that a new limb bud can be induced to grow from the side of a chick by implanting a bead soaked in fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in appropriate parts of the body. Whether the limb bud develops into a wing or a leg depends on whether the FGF is applied toward the front or the rear of the chick. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
30 | | Zoologists have always looked to embryology for clues to the animal evolutionary history, or… |
| | A) | Speciation |
| | B) | Extinction |
| | C) | Phylogeny |
| | D) | Gradualism |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
31 | | Insects and amphibians, whose body plans appear superficially so different, actually share a similar control of dorsoventral patterning, except that one is upside-down compared with the other. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
32 | | The fact that formation of legs or eyes can be induced by a mutation in one gene suggests that these and other organs develop as modules. If so, then entire limbs and organs could have been lost or acquired during evolution as a result of one or a few mutations, which would theoretically challenge Darwin’s theory of gradualism. The evolution of different groups could be a result of changes in timing, number, or expression of relatively few developmental genes. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
33 | | There is no common pattern of development shared by vertebrates. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
34 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Amniotesreptiles, birds, and mammals |
| | B) | Allantoisserves as a repository for metabolic wastes |
| | C) | Amniotic eggoffers four extraembryonic membranes |
| | D) | Extraembryonic membraneaccessory structure outside the embryo |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
35 | | The chorion lies just beneath the eggshell and completely encloses the rest of the embryonic system. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
36 | | Which of the following is NOT correct? |
| | A) | Monotremesduck-billed platypus and spiny anteater |
| | B) | Marsupialspouched animals |
| | C) | Placentalsmammals with a placenta |
| | D) | Blastocystearly stages of development occur completely within the uterus |
| | E) | All of the above are correct |
37 | | Which of the following links the embryo physically and functionally with the placenta? |
| | A) | Germinal vesicle |
| | B) | Embryonic membranes |
| | C) | Fetal ligaments |
| | D) | Umbilical cord |
| | E) | None of the above is correct |
38 | | It is not the germ layer itself that determines differentiation, but rather the precise position of an embryonic cell with relation to other cells. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
39 | | Which of the following is mismatched? |
| | A) | Neural platearea where the ectoderm thickens |
| | B) | Neural tubeelongated and hollow and positioned ventrally |
| | C) | Neural crest cellspinch off from the neural tube before it closes |
| | D) | Ectodermforms nervous system and induces nerve growth |
| | E) | None of the above is mismatched |
40 | | Derivatives of the endoderm include the digestive tube and associated organs such as the liver and pancreas. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
41 | | The gill arches in the embryos of terrestrial vertebrates become the primordial for the formation of the upper and lower jaws and the inner ear of vertebrates. The second, third, and fourth gill pouches contribute to which of the following? |
| | A) | Tonsils |
| | B) | Parathyroid gland |
| | C) | Thymus |
| | D) | Pineal body |
| | E) | A, B, and C, but NOT D |
42 | | Derivatives of mesoderm are involved in support, movement, and the formation of the heart. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |