Marine Biology, 6e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Marine Biology, 6/e

Peter Castro, California State Polytechnic University
Michael E. Huber, Global Coastal Strategies

ISBN: 0072830646
Copyright year: 2007


Stay afloat with the Marine Biology Online Learning Center!

The Marine Biology Online Learning Center offers a wealth of learning and teaching aids for instructors and students. Instructors will appreciate a password protected Instructor’s Manual, a PowerPoint image library containing all the art and photos for the text, laboratory exercises, and more. Students will benefit from interactive quizzing, key terms flashcards, and web links. Also included are underwater video clips, featuring footage of marine animals, their behaviors, and ecosystems.

Digital Content Manager CD-ROM/DVD

This useful tool contains all of the illustrations, photographs, and tables from the text for use in multimedia presentations. Also included are video segments from Scripps Institute of Technology, along with additional marine biology videoclips and photographs.

Instructor’s Manual

Prepared by Peter Castro, this helpful ancillary provides chapter outlines and summaries, a listing of audiovisuals and software, and answers to the Critical Thinking questions within the text. Instructors will also find suggestions on presenting concepts to students and organizing materials for class presentation. The Instructor’s Manual can be accessed via the password protected portion of the Marine Biology Online Learning Center as well as the Instructor’s Testing & Resource CD-ROM.

Instructor’s Testing & Resource CD-ROM

This cross platform CD-ROM includes an Instructor’s Manual and test bank utilizing McGraw-Hill’s EZ Test software. EZ Test is a flexible and easy-to-use electronic testing program that allows instructors to create tests in a wide variety of question types. Instructors may use the test questions provided by McGraw-Hill, add their own questions, create multiple versions of a test, and export tests for use with course management systems such as WebCT, BlackBoard or PageOut. For those instructors who prefer to work outside the test-generator software, the Instructor’s Manual and test bank are also available in Word and PDF formats.

NEW! McGraw-Hill: Biology Digitized Video Clips

McGraw-Hill is pleased to offer digitized biology video clips on DVD! Licensed from some of the highest-quality science video producers in the world, these brief segments range from about five seconds to just under three minutes in length and cover all areas of general biology from cells to ecosystems. Engaging and informative, McGraw-Hill’s digitized biology videos will help capture students’ interest while illustrating key biological concepts and processes. Includes video clips on: coral reef ecosystems, mitosis, clam locomotion, Darwin’s finches, plankton diversity, salt marsh ecology, cichlid mouth brooding, sponge reproduction, and much more! ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312155-0 (ISBN-10: 0-07-312155-X)

Laboratory Exercises

Ideal for a one quarter or one-semester course, this collection of eight laboratories and field investigations in marine biology has been specially designed for use in conjunction with the Sixth Edition of Marine Biology. Each of the exercises include review questions that integrate information learned in the laboratory or field with material covered in the text. The exercises can be accessed via the password-protected portion of the Marine Biology Online Learning Center.


The transparency set includes 75 illustrations from the text, all enlarged for excellent visibility in the classroom.

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.