| Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 4/e Michael Thorne,
Mississippi State University -- Mississippi State Martin Giesen,
Mississippi State University -- Mississippi State
One-Way Analysis of Variance With Post Hoc Comparisons
Symbols and FormulasSYMBOLS Symbol | Stands For |
| (0.0K) | total mean or grand mean (GM) | (0.0K) | score within a group | (0.0K) | mean of a group | SStot | total sum of squares | SSw | within-groups sum of squares | SSb | between-groups sum of squares | SSsubj | subjects sum of squares | SSerror | error sum of squares | Ng | number of subjects within a group | N | total number of subjects or total number of scores in a repeated measures ANOVA | (0.0K) | sum over or across groups | MSb | mean square between groups | MSw | mean square within groups | dfb | between-groups degrees of freedom | K | number of groups or number of trials in a repeated measures ANOVA | S | number of participants (subjects) | dfw | within-groups degrees of freedom | dftot | total degrees of freedom | dfsubj | subjects degrees of freedom | dferror | error degrees of freedom | F | F ratio, ANOVA test | Fcomp | your computed F ratio | Fcrit | the critical value of F from Table C | LSD | least significant difference | HSD | honestly significant difference | q | studentized range statistic | LSDa, HSDa | LSD and HSD mean difference values required for significance at a particular α level (.05 or .01, usually) |
Before solving any of the formulas introduced, the following values need to be computed for the data: ∑Xg, ∑X2g, Ng, ∑X, ∑X2, and N. ∑Xg is the sum of the scores within each group; ∑X2g is the sum of the squared
scores within each group; ∑Ng is the number of observations within each group; ∑X is the sum of all the
scores; ∑X2 is the sum of all the squared scores; and N is the total number of observations. In addition, for
one-way repeated measures ANOVA, ∑Xm, (∑Xm)2, S, and K must be computed. ∑Xm is the sum of scores
for each participant; (∑Xm)2 is the square of the sum of the scores for each participant; S is the number of participants; and K is the numbers of trials or tests.Formula 11 - 5. Computational formula for the total sum of squares (1.0K)
This equation is identical to the numerator of sample variance, which we said in Chapter 6 was sometimes
called the sum of squares or SS.Formula 11-6. Computational formula for the within-group sum of squares (3.0K)
This is just the sum of squares equation computed for each group and then summed across groups.
For three groups, the computational formula for SSw becomes (3.0K) Formula 11-7. Computational formula for the between-groups sum of squares (2.0K)
For three groups, the computational formula for SSb becomes (2.0K) Formulas 11-8, 11-9, and 11-10. Equations for between-groups degrees of freedom, within-groups degrees
of freedom, and total degrees of freedom, respectively (1.0K) Formula 11-11.Equation for the between-groups mean square (1.0K) Formula 11-12.Equation for the within-groups mean square (1.0K) Formula 11-13.Equation for F ratio in one-way between-subjects ANOVA (1.0K) Formula 11-14.Least significant difference (LSD) between pairs of means (1.0K) Formula 11-15.Honestly significant difference (HSD) between pairs of means (1.0K) Formula 11-18.Computational formula for within-subjects sum of squares in one-way repeated measures ANOVA (2.0K)
For three subjects, the computational formula for SSsubj becomes (2.0K) Formula 11-19.Computational formula for error sum of squares in one-way repeated measures ANOVA (1.0K) Formula 11-20.Computational formula for error degrees of freedom (1.0K) Formula 11-21.Computational formula for mean square error in one-way repeated measures ANOVA (1.0K) Formula 11-22.Computational formula for F ratio in one-way repeated measures ANOVA (1.0K)
The degrees of freedom for the F ratio are the df associated with the numerator (dfb = K – 1) and df associated with the denominator [dferror = (K – 1)(S – 1)]. |