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Virtual Labs
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The Virtual Labs require that the Flash Player be installed on your system. If you do not have the player, go to the Flash Player download site to download the newest version of the player free of charge.

Virtual Lab 1 - Catching Evolution in Action

Virtual Lab 2 - Why Do Tropical Songbirds Lay Fewer Eggs?

Virtual Lab 3 - Unraveling the Mystery of How Geckos Defy Gravity

Virtual Lab 4 - How Do the Cells of a Growing Plant Know in Which Way to Elongate?

Virtual Lab 5 - How Do Proteins Help Chlorophyll Carry Out Photosynthesis?

Virtual Lab 6 - Can Cancer Tumors Be Starved to Death?

Virtual Lab 7 - How Regulatory Genes Direct Vertebrate Development

Virtual Lab 8 - Cyanobacteria Control Heterocyst Pattern Formation Through Intercellular Signaling

Virtual Lab 9 - Trading Hormones Among Fishes: Gene Technology Lets Us Watch What Happens

Virtual Lab 10 - The Control of Patterning in Plant Root Development

Virtual Lab 11 - Do Some Genes Maintain More Than One Common Allele in a Population?

Virtual Lab 12 - Unearthing the Root of Flowering Plant Phylogeny

Virtual Lab 13 - How Pseudomonas "Sugar-Coats" Itself to Cause Chronic Lung Infection

Virtual Lab 14 - Tracking Iron Stress in Diatoms

Virtual Lab 15 - How Actin-binding Proteins Interact with the Cytoskeleton to Determine the Morphology of Yeasts

Virtual Lab 16 - Why Do Some Plants Accumulate Toxic Levels of Metals?

Virtual Lab 17 - Which Pest Control is Best for Basil?

Virtual Lab 18 - How Hormones Protect Seed Development in Peas

Virtual Lab 19 - In Pursuit of Preserving Freshwater Mussels

Virtual Lab 20 - Amphibian Eggs Hatching in Shallow Ponds Thirst for Oxygen

Virtual Lab 21 - Planning an Aerial Attack on Marauding Fire Ants

Virtual Lab 22 - How Honeybees Keep Their Cool

Virtual Lab 23 - Why Some Lizards Take a Deep Breath

Virtual Lab 24 - Discovering the Virus Responsible for Hepatitis C

Virtual Lab 25 - In Search of New Antibiotics: How Salamanders Skin Secretions Combat Microbial Infections

Virtual Lab 26 - How Snails "See" an Invisible Trail

Virtual Lab 27 - Pheromones Affect Sexual Selection in Cockroaches

Virtual Lab 28 - Are Pollutants Affecting the Sexual Development of Florida's Alligators?

Virtual Lab 29 - Why Does Contamination of a Coastal Salt Marsh with Diesel Fuel Lead to Increased Microalgal Biomass?

Virtual Lab 30 - Factors Limiting the Home Range of Male Voles

Virtual Lab 31 - Identifying the Environmental Culprit Harming Amphibians

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